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In the papery the hydrocarbon migration vestige of Donghetang formation in the south-west of Tahe oilfield is studied systematically by analyzing oiliness cores and slices and using Microscope infrared spectroscopy (Micro-FTIR) technique which was used to

In the paper, three methods of evaluation of cushioning properties and energy-absorption capability of low density porous material are discussed, and a mew method of evaluation of damping of vibration is introduced, Taking silicone rubber foam as an examp 摘要本文对低密度多孔介质缓冲吸能特性的三种评估方法进行了分析,进而提出了评估其减振特性的刚度曲线方法,并以泡沫矽橡胶爲例,具体阐述了上述评估方法在合理选材、优化设计中的应用。
In the paper, through measurements of interior noise of existing railway vehicles in china, studies propagation routes and distributing characteristics, puts forward to the distributing rules of interior noise in different statuses and speeds, gets the ma 摘要运用多通道噪声测试与分析系统,对运行中的铁路客车进行了多点同步车内噪声测试和分析,得出了在不同工况和不同运行速度时的车内噪声的现状和分布规律,确定出车内噪声发生的主频带,对既有线铁道车辆和将来的高速铁道车辆进行防噪降噪设计具有较高的参考价值。
In the paper, we give forty problems of set topology. That's part of problems. 摘要给出了点集拓仆40个问题,是点集拓扑问题的一部分。
In the paper,probes into the practicability of studying photometric analysis by the aid of continuous light sources at atomic absorption spectrophotometer has been probed.The monochromatic absorption is unnecessary and sufficient condition for the Beer-La 探讨了在原子吸收光谱仪上应用连续光源研究分子吸收光谱的可行性,单色吸收是朗伯-比耳定律成立的充分不必要条件.
In the paper,the influence of grain shape on the flow characteristic of self-flowing materials is discussed.It is considered that the flow characteristic of self-flowing materials with aggregate containning sheet-shape grains is good. 本文用流体力学的观点,论述了颗粒形态对自流料的流动性的影响,认为含有片状颗粒的骨料配成的自流料流动性较好。
In the papery the hydrocarbon migration vestige of Donghetang formation in the south-west of Tahe oilfield is studied systematically by analyzing oiliness cores and slices and using Microscope infrared spectroscopy (Micro-FTIR) technique which was used to 摘要通过塔河地区西南部古生界东河塘组岩心油显示及含油薄片分析,以及首次应用红外光谱石油基团成份测定技术,对该地区东河塘组油气运移痕迹做了一次系统的研究。
In the parade, the band will march in advance of the football team. 游行中,乐队将走在足球队的前面。
In the park, there are lots of students. Some are flying kites. Others are playing balls. 公园里有很多学生。有一些在放风筝,其他(一些)人在玩球。
In the park, there are lots of students. Some are flying kites. The others are playing balls. 公园里有很多学生。有一些在放风筝,其他人(都)在玩球。
In the park, there are many historical sites relating to Liu Zhong Yuan, such as Liu Zhong Yuan Personal Effects Tomb, Luochi and Ganxiang Pavillion. 园内有柳侯祠、柳宗元衣冠墓、罗池、柑香亭等与柳宗元有关的古迹。
In the park, there is a Japanese Garden including bamboo, pine trees, fish pond, and a tea house. 在植物园??,设有一个日本花园,包括竹子、松树、鱼池、和茶室。

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