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Abstract: One of the most important aspects of the quality educati on lies in training students' abilities of selfeducation.The article begins wi th the importance of the selfeducation,and indicates the way to make the stude nts get the ability of selfedu

Abstract: On the basis of the theory of controlled phase-changes of piezoceramics, high-temperature polarizing technology makes initial working temperature a little higher than Curie temperature of a sample, but the polarization voltage needed is greatly 文摘:压电陶瓷的高温极化是利用受控的场致有序化的顺电―铁电相变原理,使起始极化温度略高于样品的居里温度,但所需的极化电压大大低于常规极化,仅为1/10-1/5;选择较高的降温升压速率,可使极化趋于更加完全,具有常规极化工艺无可比拟的优越性。
Abstract: On the basis of working in the retail consulting company for many years, the author illustrates the innovations in shopping center management, marketing and leasing by specific examples in terms of enhancing customer service, building customer l 摘要:根据在零售咨询行业的多年工作经验,介绍了购物中心在管理、行销和招商方面的创新,并例举了提高和改善客户服务,建立顾客的忠诚度,推进零售业绩的具体措施。
Abstract: On the condition of high technology,model method of ground-to-air defense simulation is discussed.The achieving method by SIMAN simulation language is given. 文摘:以高技术条件下的地面防空作战指控系统为背景,对地面防空作战指挥控制系统仿真建模的一般方法进行了探讨,并给出了用SIMAN仿真语言进行实现的方法步骤。
Abstract: On the occasion of the 100th birthday of the well known geologist, Hou Defeng, some discussions on his important contributions to the development of mineral industry and Earth sciences in China are given. 文摘:时值侯德封先生百年华诞之际,仅以此文缅怀他老人家在中国开拓矿业及发展地学两个方面所做出的重大贡献。
Abstract: On the occassion of the Shanghai World Expo, expecially the outstanding theme, the commercial services should seize the rare opportunity to develop and improve, which is the responsibility in realizing the functions of the cosmopolis. 摘要:上海世博会的举办,特别是其鲜明的主题,为商业服务业的发展与提升提供了难得的机遇,也是商业服务业在实现国际化大都市功能中应当承担的责任及机会。
Abstract: One of the most important aspects of the quality educati on lies in training students' abilities of selfeducation.The article begins wi th the importance of the selfeducation,and indicates the way to make the stude nts get the ability of selfedu 文摘:培养大学生自我教育能力是素质教育的重要方面.本文从大学生自我教育的重要性入手,阐述了自我教育的内容,并提出集体生活,社团活动,校园文化活动,社会实践活动等实现大学生自我教育能力培养的途径.
Abstract: Open out The Zheng He's Chart, we may find the following place names: Daimaoyu, Zhongbuqian, Sunguna and Langxijia. 提要:《郑和航海图》中的玳瑁屿、众不浅、孙姑那和狼西加等地名都在泰国南部。
Abstract: Owing to Gauss' theorem and superposition theorem of electric field strength,the electric field can be calculated in two different ways.This article expounds concisely and percisely the points which deserve attention in applying the two ways sep 文摘:静电场的问题可以采用高斯定理和场强叠加原理这两种不同途径求解,本文讨论了采用这两种不同途径求解时分别应注意的事项,并澄清了一些错误的认识。
Abstract: Passing through different dynasties of Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing and Republican period, the Zheng's medical family of Kunshan, Jiangsu, Specialized in gynecology has a history of nearly 800 years, 29generations, being a rare miracle in world medica 文摘:江苏昆山郑氏妇科世医,代代相传二十九世,历经宋、元、明、清、民国,迄今已有近800年历史,堪与江南何氏二十九代世医相媲美,成为中外医学史上罕见的奇迹。
Abstract: Pastoral songs in Hunan are the songs sung by shepherd boys while herding cattle. 文摘:湖南牧牛山歌(以下简称湖南牧歌)是湖南牧童牧牛时唱的歌曲。
Abstract: Peri-urban modernistic agriculture is the outcome of urban-rural relationship developing into certain stage, and an important part of the city. 都市型现代农业是城乡关系发展到一定阶段的产物,是城市的重要组成部分。

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