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Yet their apartment is full of expensive furniture and artwork.

Yet the very notion of further enlargement is now in question, for three reasons. 然而,近来欧盟的“扩张”理念受到质疑,原因有三。
Yet the wounds of the 1962 war have been kept open by China's publicly assertive claims to Indian territories. 然而,中国公开主张印度的领土,1962年战争的伤口仍未愈合。
Yet the wrangling over Darfur should not divert attention from southern Sudan. 然而,达尔富尔的争端不应当转移国际社会对苏丹南部的关注。
Yet their Redeemer is strong; the LORD Almighty is his name. 34他们的救赎主大有能力,万军之耶和华是他的名。
Yet their actions were futile. 但是他们的抗议失败了。
Yet their apartment is full of expensive furniture and artwork. 但他们的公寓充满了昂贵的家具与艺术品。
Yet there are differences between Pluto and the new object. 冥王星和新天体还是有区别的。
Yet there are flickers of progress. 不过仍然有一些进步的迹象。
Yet there are fundamental differences between these two outer-planet missions. 但是这两次外行星任务有重大的差异。
Yet there have been some playful hints lately that Clemens could favor the Yankees. 然而最近有一些暗示说火箭人将会选择洋基。
Yet there is a third force in politics, whose voice is less audible, but hardly less resonant: the far-right's Jean-Marie Le Pen. 但是政界还有第三支力量,尽管呼声相对低点,但却引起不少共鸣的极右翼的勒庞。

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