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Unless the LORD had been my help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence.

Unless suddenness occurs,or I will come back on Monday. 除非发生意外情况,否则我星期一就回来。
Unless sun lovers continually reapply sunscreen(2), agents(3) in the sunscreen itself can attack the skin and leave the body susceptible(4) to ultraviolet radiation(5), researchers say. 研究人员称,除非热爱晒太阳的人们不断地反复涂抹防晒霜,否则防晒霜的成分本身会攻击皮肤,使身体更容易受紫外线辐射的影响。
Unless sun lovers continually reapply sunscreen(2), agents(3) in the sunscreen itself can attack the skin and leave the body susceptible(4) to ultraviolet radiation(5), researchers say. 研究人员称,除非日光浴爱好者不断地反复涂抹防晒霜,否则防晒霜的成分本身会攻击皮肤,使身体更容易受紫外线辐射的影响。
Unless the Government provides more cash, the steel industry is done for. 除非政府提供更多的资金, 否则钢铁工业准给毁了.
Unless the LORD Almighty had left us some survivors, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been like Gomorrah. 9若不是万军之耶和华给我们稍留余种,我们早已像所多玛,蛾摩拉的样子了。
Unless the LORD had been my help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence. 17若不是耶和华帮助我,我就住在寂静之中了。
Unless the Lord of hosts Had left us a few survivors, We would be like Sodom, We would be like Gomorrah. 赛1:9若不是万军之耶和华给我们稍留馀种、我们早已像所多玛、蛾摩拉的样子了。
Unless the Nominated Bank is the Confirming Bank, nomination by the Issuing Bank does not constitute any undertaking by the Nominated Bank to pay, to incur a deferred payment undertaking, to accept Draft (s), or to negotiate. 除非指定银行是保兑行,否则,指定银行地开证行指定其付款、承担延期付款责任、承兑汇票或议付并不承担责任。
Unless the Spurs manage to catch the Phoenix Suns in the standings (still a reasonable possibility), the Lakers will not pull San Antonio in the first round. 除非马刺能够在接下来的比赛赶超太阳(貌似还是有可能的),不然湖人不会第一轮碰上马刺。
Unless the aforesaid circumstances, where an employee's labor contract expires within his medical treatment period, the enterprise could not terminate the labor contract. 除非上述的几种情况,员工在医疗期内,劳动合同期限届满时,企业不得终止劳动合同。
Unless the application of a new discovery is clear and present, most are dubious of its value..? 如果新发明立即收到实效的话,那么其价值会是最可疑的。?

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