Bots are well known for helping to generate millions of spam messages advertising printer cartridges, septic systems, Viagra and Nigerian money scams.
机器人程式以协助制造数百万的垃圾讯息闻名于世,比如有关印表机墨水匣、污水处理系统、威而刚,以及奈及利亚货币诈欺等等的广告。 |
Botswana and Uganda are also success stories: despite their disadvantages, these countries achieved vigorous growth by creating stable civil societies, liberalizing trade and implementing reforms that ran counter to IMF prescriptions.
波札那和乌干达也是成功的案例,这两个国家虽然先天不良,却以创造稳定的民间社会、贸易自由化、实施与IMF背道而驰的改革措施,而能获致大幅成长。 |
Botswana has gentle rolling hills, wetlands and plains. Tourists from all over the world come to see the antelope, big cats and hyenas.
波札那坐拥宜人的缓坡、溼地与平原。世界各地的游客专程来一窥当地的羚羊、大猫与土狼。 |
Botswana's main exports are diamonds and beef, and the largest diamond mine in the world is in the country.
波札那主要的出口品为钻石与牛肉,全球最大的钻石矿场就位于境内。 |
Bottle of wine:our love only improves with age.
一瓶葡萄酒:我们的爱随时间而愈益香醇! |
Bottled at a potent 110 proof, this ultra-premium gin from the Scottish firm Cadenhead's gets its unusual color and taste from saffron.
这款55度的极品金酒从藏红花中获取了与众不同的色泽和味道,它叫什么名字? |
Bottled lemon juice is no good you must use the real thing.
瓶装柠檬汁可不行--你得用真货。 |
Bottled water is considered a food, and thus regulated by Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
瓶装水被认为属于食品范畴,因此归食品药品管理局(FDA)管理。 |
Bottled water is extremely damaging for the environment; the best thing to do is to drink tap water.
瓶装水严重破坏我们的环境,最好的方法就是喝水龙头的水。 |
Bottleneck never resulted in a lot of WIP and sufficient time is allowed to ensure WIP inspection and testing.
樽颈情况从未发生,并能确保有充足的时间作半成品(WIP)检验及测试. |
Bottleneck restraints for economic and social development brought by infrastructure and basic industries have by and large been removed; capability of energy production, transportation and communication have improved greatly.
第四,基础设施、基础工业对经济社会发展的瓶颈制约基本解除,能源生产能力、交通运输能力、通信能力大幅度提高。 |