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We took my father's stories of the gods with a grain of salt.

We took her silence as agree. 我们把她的沉默看作是同意.
We took her straight to a good pediatrician, who immediately called inthe top neurologist in the city. 我们把她直接带到一位很好的儿科医师那里,他立即叫来了城里顶尖的神经科医师。
We took her to a KTV because she needed a distraction from her busy job. 我们带她到KTV去,因为她在繁忙工作之余也需要娱乐。
We took his silence as agree. 我们把她的沉默看作是同意.
We took it in stride. 我们处之泰然。
We took my father's stories of the gods with a grain of salt. 我们对父亲讲的有关神灵的故事半信半疑。
We took one step further to explore the determinants of knowledge learning effects within the organizational ILM using three main criterion comprise of (1) job-related trainings, (2) advancement via sequence of jobs, and (3) long-term attachment to organi 本研究以三个关键要素:组织长期认同,工作循序晋升,工作相关训練,深入探究知識学习成效的决定因素。
We took oral and written test in English and one composition in Chinese. 我们都参加了英语口试和笔试,然后是一个汉语作文。
We took our digital camera and had an amusing time exploring poses that could be used. 我们用数码相机捕捉下瞬间的姿势来尝试使用。
We took our grandmother yesterday. 我们昨天去看我们的婆婆.
We took out the sandwiches and water, and had our picnic in the shade under the trees. The most popular food are sausages and tomatoes. 我们拿出准备好的三明治和水,开始在树阴下野餐。最受欢迎的食品是香肠和西红柿。

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