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Because of the high transparency, the Megrez Brothers showed us not only the ashen light, but also the seas, craters and mountains.

Because of the great speed of light, we see a lamp light up almost at the exact moment we turn it on. 由于光速极快,我们几乎能在开灯的那一瞬间就看见电灯亮起来。
Because of the high acceleration and deceleration, MU trains are often be used for inner-city trafic or environs trafic as railway buses, such as subway and so on. 由于加减速快,动车组常被当作公交车运用于城市内部或市郊交通,比如地铁和轻轨。
Because of the high cost of the precious metal ingredients, researchers are searching for ways to lower the platinum content. 由于贵金属成份的成本不斐,研究人员正绞尽脑汁降低铂的含量。
Because of the high motality rate, emphysematous pyelonephritis should be kept in mind in diabetic patients with intractable pyelonephritis. 因为产气性肾盂肾炎具有高死亡率,特此提出病例报告。
Because of the high ratio of sandstone in the shallow water and high ratio of mudstone in the deep water area, the hydrocarbon scattered into the sandstone more easily in the shallow water area, so large oil &gas fields appear to form more easily in the d 由于浅水区砂岩百分比含量高,砂体连通性好,油气聚集比较分散,比较而言深水区油气在扇体里富集程度较高,更有利于形成大油气田。
Because of the high transparency, the Megrez Brothers showed us not only the ashen light, but also the seas, craters and mountains. 低倍上,两个镜子都很完美,包括月光、山脉、坑洞以及月海。
Because of the holographic equivalence, strongly interacting quarks and gluons at high temperatures should also have very low viscosity. 根据全像等价性,有很强交互作用的夸克与胶子在高温时也会有极低的黏度。
Because of the homology of creative and content industries, rivalry has entered an era where investment is based on eyeballs and attention. 与创意产业与内容产业相对应,当代世界进入了一个眼球经济与注意力经济的时代。
Because of the housing shortage many couples had to double up in one tiny apartment. 因为房屋不够,许多夫妻必须在一间小得可怜的公寓里挤一挤。
Because of the huge number, especially of mimetic words, there are not a equivalent part of speech in Chinese, which makes it difficult for Chinese learners of Japanese. 但是由于它的数量很多,尤其是拟态词,在汉语中并没有一个与之完全对应的词类,因此,是学习日语的一大难点。
Because of the image's ambiguity and partiality, we should focus our attention on the reconstruction of the teacher's professional image, and figure out the epoch characteristic, thus construct a new teacher's professional image with professional-self at 应当著眼于教师职业本身对教师职业形象进行重新定位,在教师职业基本形象的基础上探求教师职业形象的时代特徵,进而构建以专业自我为核心的教师专业形象。

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