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This relativism leads to an idolization of democracy divorced from a conviction that the moral value of democracy depends on the morality of the ends it pursues and the means chosen to pursue those ends.

This relationship is usually short, hot and sweet. 你们的关系总是短暂、热烈而甜蜜。
This relationship isn't going anywhere. 【这段感情不会有结果的。】
This relationship lacks stimulation. You are both far too cautious, frugal and self-righteous to last. 摩羯-摩羯:这个组合缺少刺激。你们同属严肃谨慎、沉稳正直的人,关系很难持久。
This relative lack of regulation and oversight has produced a curious result. 这缺乏相关规则和勘漏,并产生了严重的后果。
This relative time is arbitrary, but it must be consistent with the timestamp that will be placed in buffers. 这个相对时间是多变的(无规律的),但必须和放入缓冲器的时间戳相符合。
This relativism leads to an idolization of democracy divorced from a conviction that the moral value of democracy depends on the morality of the ends it pursues and the means chosen to pursue those ends. 这一相对主义导致了对与这一信仰相分离的民主的崇拜,即民主的道德价值依赖于它所追求的目的和选择追求那些目的的方法的道德性。
This relay connects one input to one output. 该继电器将一个输入连接到一个输出。
This release includes architecture enhancements to file referencing as well as many new features such as proxy references. 这个版本包括体系结构的改进到文件参考中,也有许多新的特性如代理参考。
This release is a recommended security upgrade. See the Security section for additional information. 此版本为官方推荐的安全更新。详见“安全”部分。
This relieves both individuals of a considerable amount of tension. 这缓和相当多双方的紧张。
This religious belief with the rich flavor of folk culture had armed the peasants and handicraftsmen in north China at the end of the 19th century as a kind of spiritual weapon to expel the invaders and defend their motherland. 这一宗教信念以其富有乡土文化气息的独特义理,成为十九世纪末北方乡土民众进行民族自卫斗争的核心思想武器。

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