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His figure was swallowed up in the dusk.

His field analytical perspective stresses that all definitions of intellectuals are historical and fundamentally political, emerging as they do from struggles among symbolic producers for legitimation. 他的知识场域分析强调知识分子的历史性和政治性以及他们在争取合法性斗争中所起的象征生产者作用。
His fiercest critics claim he oversaw attempted genocide in the 1980s in Matebeleland, when several thousand people were killed. 他遭受最多的指责就是曾经策划了上世纪80年代马塔贝莱兰省的种族大屠杀。
His fiery speech roused his audience to anger. 他火爆的演说使听众愤怒。
His figure looks very funny in the concave mirror. 他的样子在凹镜里显得非常可笑。
His figure was swallowed up in the dark. 他的身影消失在黑暗中。
His figure was swallowed up in the dusk. 他的身影吞没在黄昏中。
His film is a little similar to an earlier masterpiece, Wim Wenders's “Paris, Texas” (1984), only on a much smaller budget and with an unnerving naturalism. 他的影片有一点像一部早几年前的大师作品——维姆·文德斯的《德州巴黎》(1984),只有非常少的影片预算,并且有着令人感到心力交瘁的自然主义风格。
His film performance didn't come up to expectations. 他在影片中的演出有负众望.
His film, War/Dance,won the documentary directing award at the Sundance Film Festival in January. 他的影片「战舞」在一月的日舞影展中赢得最佳导演奖。
His films have come out less often but have continued to make waves if not quite of the caliber as previously seen. 他的影片有所减少,虽达不到以往的水准但仍有轰动效应。
His films with the studio included the BAFTA winning Insectsand CharlieThe Lions award at the Venice Film Festival. 他指导的影片包括:英国电影和电视艺术学院获奖作品《昆虫》,威尼斯电影节金狮奖获奖作品《查理》。

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