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Audiogram types included sloping type (18 ears), normal hearing (14 ears), flat type (4 ears), and others (2 ears).

Audio transformer: Large transmission power, wide frequency range, stable performance. Used for telephone, fax machine, VCD, DVD, and audio etc. 详细信息:高传输功率,工作频率宽,性能问题。适用于电话机、传真机、VCD、DVD音响设备中。
Audio visual equipment and conference calling are availableupon request . 如中国菜,日本菜,泰国菜和法国菜等等。
Audio: 音频:
AudioCodes provides standards-based and open IP media server platforms to enable voice enhanced services for the new voice infrastructure. 奥科提供基于标准的开放式媒体服务器平台,使适合新建语音基础设施的增强语音服务成为可能。
AudioCodes' IP Media Server platform will benefit its target customer base of NEPs and OEMs by enhancing their legacy TDMA-based and new packet-based service solutions including conferencing, messaging, auto-attendant and speech-enabled services. 通过增强网络设备提供商和OEM的传统TDMA和新分组服务解决方案(包括会议、报文传送、自动轮值和语音激活式服务),奥科媒体服务器平台使它们的目标客户群最终受益。
Audiogram types included sloping type (18 ears), normal hearing (14 ears), flat type (4 ears), and others (2 ears). 在听力图型的分布,14耳正常、18耳呈高音渐倾型、4耳呈水平型,其他型则有2耳。
Audiologic examinations were performed at regular intervals before and after RT. 于放射线治疗前及治疗后之固定时间,均给予研究对象详细的听力检查。
Audiotapes are a good alternative. 听录音磁带是一种很好的选择。
Audiotext - The term used to describe a system that provides automated interactive telephone information, such as stock prices, sports scores and personals. 录音信息-指通过电话提供自动交互信息的系统,自动提供的信息包括股票行情,体育赛事的成绩和人物介绍等。
Audit assignments - Application of the following areas to various types of internal audits, including information technology (IT) auditing, auditing the efficiency of operations and programs, financial auditing, and compliance auditing. 审计业务-将以下内容应用于包括信息技术(IT)审计,经营和计划的效率性审计,财务审计,以及合规性审计等各类型的内部审计中。
Audit institutions shall, according to law, supervise through auditing the authenticity, legality and beneficial results of the budgetary revenues and expenditures or financial revenues and expenditures specified in the preceding paragraph. 审计机关对前款所列财政收支或者财务收支的真实、合法和效益,依法进行审计监督。

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