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Business Item: marketing with Costume, textile, timbering, products of light industry, craftwork, metal materials, nonmetal mineral products, colored metal, chemical materials and products, mechanical equipment, apparatus and instrument and auto fittings;

Business Explorer is a business English course written specifically to meet the needs of Asian students. 《新剑桥职业英语》是专为亚洲学生而设计的商英语课程,它注重学生的听说训练,兼顾读写能力的培养。
Business Goal: produce the first class brand. 企业目标:创一流的品牌。
Business Households of Self-employed Private Economy Should Have a Correct Understanding and View of the Significance of Establishment of Accounting Books and Taxation on Audit of Accounts. 三、个体、私营经济业户要正确理解和认识建帐和查帐征税的意义。
Business Incubator for Returned Personnel is the first provincial incubator. 留学人员创业园是宁夏首家省级留学人员创业园。
Business Interests I am looking for a supplier from China that can provide varied handbag selections to the United States. 美国提包采购商合作意向在中国寻求不同款式手提包的供应商。
Business Item: marketing with Costume, textile, timbering, products of light industry, craftwork, metal materials, nonmetal mineral products, colored metal, chemical materials and products, mechanical equipment, apparatus and instrument and auto fittings; 经营范围:服装、纺织品、建筑材料、轻工产品、工艺品、金属材料、非金属矿产品、有色金属、化工原料及产品、机械设备、仪器仪表、汽车配件的销售;自营和代理各类商品和技术的进出口。
Business Loans can offer up to 79% LTV (Loan to Valuation) with variable rates, depending on status and length of term. 商业贷款一般可从1,000,000英镑50,000英镑在高度竞争的商业贷款放款利率从领导.
Business Management requires many varied talents. 企业管理需要多方面的才能。
Business Owner: Lately I've felt that company morale is at an all-time low what can your firm do to help get my business back on track? 最近我发现公司的士气空前低落。您的公司怎么能把我们的事业再引上正轨呢?
Business Philosophy: Look ahead rather than back. Set high expectations, and meet deadlines. 运营理念:一切向前看而不是往后看。制定较高的奋斗目标,然后如期实现。
Business Process optimization is to improve the speed of response to customer needs and operational efficiency of the most effective ways. 业务流程的优化是提高对客户需求反应速度和营运效率最有效的途径。

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