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A year or two later, I made myself a second canoe on the other side of the island.

A year later the answers were a lot more clear. 一年后,这些答案将会清楚很多。
A year later the venture has fizzled. 一年后,其投资泡汤了。
A year later, financial statements are no longer a foreign language (note to my professors: I did not say I was fluent! 一年后,财务报表再也不是一门外语(致我的教授:我没说我熟练!
A year on Uranus lasts 84 of our years, but the planet's day is about as long as Saturn's or Jupiter's. 天王星上的一年相当于我们地球的八十四年,但是这个行星的一天大约与土星或木星的一天相当。
A year or two here will round off some of his rough corners. 在那里呆上一两年会使他变得文雅一些。
A year or two later, I made myself a second canoe on the other side of the island. 一年或两年后,我在岛的另一侧又造了一只独木舟。
A year passed, during which the scarecrow turned philosopher. 一年过后,稻草人变成了哲学家。
A year since I lost the love of my life, the man I expected to be with forever, the man whose face I still long to see when I wake up in the morning. 一年前,我失去了我的爱人--那个我期盼永远相伴的男人,那个我清晨醒来仍然渴望看到他面容的男人。
A year's plan starts will spring. 一年之计在于春。
A year's plan starts with spring. 一年之计在于春。
A year's time is definitely too short to report on the impact on girls but it is long enough to share experience on the kinds of challenges and the strategies required to strengthen the multi-sector interventions and the synergy between them so to achieve 短短的一年时间,确实使我们无法具体报告项目对女童产生的影响;但是,一年的时间,足以使我们能够分享经验与教训,在面临的各种挑战方面,在所要求的、以加强多部门合作的策略方面,以及在应对挑战、调整策略方面。

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