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S. Hsu and D.C. Chen, Biomedical material for improving the adhesion and proliferation of cells and a modified artificial vessel. (US patent No. 6579322B1, 2003-6-17).

S. C. Wu, E. J. Haug, S. S. Kim, A variational approach to dynamics of flexible multibody systems, Mechanics of Structures and Machines. 17(1)(1989) 3-32. 蒋丽忠,洪嘉振,作大范围运动弹性梁刚—柔耦合动力学建模,计算力学学报.19(1)(2002)12-15.
S. D. Chyou, W.C. Chiang, R. Huang and J. K. Wu, Anti-biofouling System, USA. Patent No.6514401 B2 (2003). 邱善得、蒋文棋、黄然、吴建国,防止海生物附著的方法与系统,中华民国专利,发明第514680号(2002).
S. H. Chang, and Fu-Tai Wang, 2003, “Multipath Detection in Underwater Using the Robust Discrete Wavelet Transform and Recursive Density Estimation”, Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on UnderSea Technology (CUST 2003), pp.255-258. 张顺雄、陈建尧、何升运、李信龙,2003,“准正交序列于水下展频通讯之应用”,第五届水下技术研讨会暨国科会成果发表会,第31-36页。
S. H. Lee, U. K. Lee and C.S. Han, “Enhancement of vehicle handling characteristics by suspension kinematic control,” Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., vol. 215, Part D, 2001. 许益诚,积极滚动控制之车辆半主动式悬吊系统之研发,国立台北科技大学制造科技研究所硕士论文,台北,2003。
S. Hamlin,R. Hurt,S.A. Tassou. Enhancing the performance of evaporative spray cooling in air cycle refrigeration and air conditioning technology[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering , 1998, 18: 1139. 刘忠宝,王浚.单级逆升压空气制冷系统在房间空调中的应用[J].真空与低温.6(3):42.
S. Hsu and D.C. Chen, Biomedical material for improving the adhesion and proliferation of cells and a modified artificial vessel. (US patent No. 6579322B1, 2003-6-17). 徐善慧、陈震汉,可改善细胞附著增生能力之生医材料以及改质的人工血管,(中华民国专利,发明字第126222号,民国91-1-21).
S. S. Huang and J. T. Yeh, 1993, Fatigue-fracture mechanisms of slowly notched poly(ethylene terephthalate) polymers, Proceedings of the 16th R. O. C. Polymer Symposium, 1, 381(1993). 黄启洲,叶正涛,1992,线性低密度聚乙烯短链分枝长度对动态疲劳之研究,第八届纺织科技研讨会论文集,第543页,台北市,(1992)。
S. S. Rao, “The Finite Element Method in Engineering”, Pergamon Press, 2002. 《有限单元法》王勖成编著,清华大学出版社,2003。
S. Thailand has a humid tropical climate with a pronounced dry season (Dec-Feb), annual rainfalls between 1400 and 1800 mm, and a cumulative moisture deficit of 250 - 350 mm. 泰国南部属热带湿润气候,旱季明显(12~2月),年降水量为1400~1800毫米,累积水分亏缺250~350毫米。
S. W. Han,et al. Immersion Time Quenching. Advanced Material &Processes[J]. 1995(9) :42AA -42DD. 顾剑峰等.淬火过程的计算机模拟及其应用[J].金属热处理.2000(5):35-37.
S. ambassador to India, Thomas Pickering , who is also a former Boeing representative , is hopeful. This is a particularly opportune time for us to be talking with our Indian friends about further partnering as we go ahead and I suspect that in and around “这是一个特别适宜的时期,我们应当与印度的朋友们谈谈我们之间进一步的友好合作,而且我想在班加罗尔航展期间,你们应该看到了我们合作的成果。”

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