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She seemed to take pleasure in our suffering.

She seemed to be possessed (by the devil). 她好像著了魔似的.
She seemed to have cleaned the room. 她似乎已打扫过房间了。
She seemed to have got over her distress. 她的悲痛情绪好像已经克服。
She seemed to have heard about it already. 她似乎已听说这事了。
She seemed to have known the facts. 她似乎已经知道事实真相了。
She seemed to take pleasure in our suffering. 她似乎对我们的痛苦幸灾乐祸。
She seemed to think every man I a suit was bourgeois , which was just inverted snobbery of the worst kind. 她似乎认为穿西服的人都是资产阶级分子,这是最极端的反势利行为。
She seemed to think every man I a suit was bourgeois, which was just inverted snobbery of the worst kind. 她似乎认为穿西服的人都是资产阶级分子,这是最极端的反势利行为。
She seemed unaware of what was happening around her. 她似乎没有意识到周围正在发生的一切。
She seemed well disposed towards us. 她看来对我们颇有好感.
She seemed(to be) sad. 她似乎是有些悲伤。

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