They are particularly fond of the stick grenades, because they're hurled by hand and are good for close combat in trenches, ruins, bunkers and ratholes.
暴蛮的战士特别偏爱长柄手榴弹,这种投掷武器在战壕、废墟、碉堡和散兵坑之间的近距混战中十分有效。 |
They are particularly important at work as they enable us to package our ugly emotions in a way that is palatable to others.
工作中的礼仪格外重要,它让我们收起自己丑陋的一面,以取悦他人。 |
They are particularly notable for the large number and diversity of pelagic seabirds and penguins that nest there.
这里最值得注意的是有大量的,种类繁多的远洋海鸟和栖息于此的企鹅。 |
They are passionate and good to their lovers.
感情丰富,厚待爱人。 |
They are patriotic and support socialism although many of them come from other than working-class families.
他们是爱国的,是拥护社会主义的,尽管他们当中许多人出身于非工人阶级家庭。 |
They are patrol boats, mine-layers, mine-sweepers and so on.
有巡逻艇、布雷舰、扫雷舰、等等。 |
They are paying fighters up to $12 a day to fight the fledgling Afghan National Army, which pays only $4 a day to its soldiers in the field, according to military officials.
他们付给战斗人员每天多达12美元,以同诞生不久的阿富汗国民军作战。据阿富汗军官说,国民军每天付给前线士兵的军饷仅4美元。 |
They are peasants with no or little land.
他们是些无地或少地的农民. |
They are people who are lacking in moral strength and courage.
他们是一些缺乏精神力量和勇气的人。 |
They are people who live in a positive vein and who are on spiritual path, whether they are aware of it or not.
他们是以一条积极的心绪生活和走在精神轨道上的人们,不论他们是意识到这一点或者不是。 |
They are performing an opera on the stage.
他们正在舞台上表演歌剧。 |