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Yan had her chances of leveling the match when she was 5-4 ahead and serving for the second set.

Yan Liben's painting Bunian tu is a realist work which depicts Emperor Tang Taizong receiving as an emissary the Tubo king Songtsan Gampo who married Princess Wencheng. 摘要传阎立本《步辇图》是一幅写实风格的艺术作品,描述了唐太宗接见迎娶文成公主的吐蕃赞普使者历史场面。
Yan Xiong,Chen Huanhuan and Miao Fuyou,Quantum Mobile Crypto-Computation,Chinese Journal of Electronics,to be published. 熊焰、王冬华、苗付友等,“移动计算中基于椭圆曲线的匿名签名算法”,电子学报,2003,31(11),1651-1654。
Yan Xuetong of Tsinghua University says this could simply provoke an embattled North Korea into conducting more tests in order to perfect its nuclear deterrent. 清华大学的阎学通认为,这么做只会激发摆出阵势的朝鲜进行更多的“核试验”来完善其核威慑力量。
Yan Yuan is a well-famed Chinese educationalist and great thinker. 摘要颜元是我国历史上著名的思想家、教育家。
Yan began screenwriting for Hollywood in English. (严歌苓)开始为荷李活电影写英文剧本。
Yan had her chances of leveling the match when she was 5-4 ahead and serving for the second set. 当晏紫以5:4领先的时候有机会参加资格赛,她也在全心全意地备战第二轮的比赛。
Yan took up translation with a purpose: to attract the attention of people who he thought really mattered, namely, the intelligentsia. “他从事翻译是有目的的,即要吸引士大夫们的注意。
Yan-Pei Ming is known for his large and powerful, mainly monochrome black, white or red oil paintings. 严培明以其气势雄伟的巨幅油画而得名,他的油画以单黑、单白或单红色为主。
YanCheng YanWu KEDA ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE CO.,LTD is a specialized company combined of developing,manufacturing and marketing Neon lights,CCFL lights,LED lights,induction lights,kinds of craft lights,advertising lights,shop sign,etc.We keep all along the t 盐城燕舞科大电器有限公司是一家开发、制造、销售霓虹灯管、冷阴极灯管、LED、无极灯管及各类工艺灯饰、广告灯箱、灯牌的专业企业,公司自成立以来本着开拓、务实、创新的理念,不断吸收先进的工艺技术,产品广泛应用于汽车装饰、室内外装饰照明、广告促销,产品通过环保认证、安全认证,倍受客户喜爱,本公司热忱欢迎与海内外朋友加强合作,开发海内外市场,开创辉煌。
Yanan, I put you down as swift return of Swallows in locating past spring; As the trees grow, then trace the rain and dew and the sun. 延安,我把你追寻象翩翩归来的燕子,在追寻昔日的春光;象茁壮成长的小树,再追寻雨露和太阳。
Yanan, I put you down, locating belief trace golden ideals trace warmth trace beautiful spring, bright search, search fiery red sun! 延安,我把你追寻,追寻信念,追寻金色的理想,追寻温暖,追寻明媚的春光,追寻光明,追寻火红的太阳!

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