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They are as *x as brothers.

They are applying these lessons to other genetic defects that cause visual impairment. 他们正将这些经验用于其他引起视觉障碍的遗传性缺陷。
They are arguing about Tom's accompanying them. 他们正争论汤姆跟他们一道去的事。
They are arguing about the document of the monumental instrument. 他们在辩论关于那件不朽乐器的文献.
They are arguing for whom the bucket on the lawn belongs to. This bucket is mine!The goody-looking baddy says. This is my bucket!The baddy-looking goody says. 原来他们在争草地上的水桶到底是属于谁的。看起来像好人的坏人说:「水桶的主人是我!」看起来像坏人的好人说:「我是水桶的主人!」
They are arranging ever bigger debt issues for private-equity firms and hedge funds and so are encouraging a borrowing binge that could breed financial instability. 它们在为私募股权公司和对冲基金安排更大的债务发行额,这样也促进了可能造成金融不稳定的贷款狂热。
They are as *x as brothers. 他们亲如兄弟!
They are as close as brother. 他们亲如兄弟!
They are as close as brothers. 他们亲如兄弟!
They are as intimate as brothers. 他们亲如兄弟!
They are as stubble before the wind, and as chaff that the storm carrieth away. 18他们何尝像风前的碎秸,如暴风刮去的糠秕呢。
They are as yet unconscious of the feebleness that marks the Church, making it important to do the work of winning souls for Christ, and building up believers for a life of holiness and fruitfulness. 他们至今尚不觉察软弱成了教会的特征并使教会没有能力为基督抢救灵魂,不能建立圣徒使他们过着圣洁结果子的生活。

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