As at the report concerning Egypt, so shall they be sorely pained at the report of Tyre.
5这风声传到埃及,埃及人为推罗的风声,极其疼痛。 |
As at you holidays come nearer, I want to settle all nuances up to your acation.
因为你们的假期要到了,所以我想在你们的假期到来前安排好所有细节. |
As at you holidays come nearer, I want to settle all nuances up to your vacation.
因为你们的假期要到了,所以我想在你们的假期到来前安排好所有细节. |
As autumn approaches, the beekeepers pack up their hives and go south, scrambling for pollination contracts in hot spots like California's fertile Central Valley.
当秋天临近,养蜂人带着蜂箱去北方,在那些热点争夺授粉机会,像加利福尼亚富饶的中心山谷。 |
As autumn draws near, the cornfields show signs of ripeness.
秋季来临时,玉米地里呈现出丰收的景象。 |
As b consequence of being ill and lying in hospital, Shelly decided to become a nurse.
2由于生病住院的缘故,谢莉决定当一名护士. |
As background for core courses, Microeconomics begins with a review of trends in the U.S. income distribution including factors in increasing inequality - the rising rate of return to education, immigration, winner-take-all markets at the top of the distr
诚如一开始所讲的,本课程核心背景是在于检视现在在美国所得分配的趋势,以及探讨加速所得分配不均的因素-再进修比例攀升、移民、高所得者获取绝多数的市场资源等。 |
As bad as the pyroclastic flows are, the ash injected into the atmosphere can have even more far-reaching consequences.
如同火山碎屑流般凶恶,喷发进入大气层的火山灰甚至会造成更深远的影响。 |
As band industry counted on the cryptographic devices for a long time, there have been international standards set for bank's usage from principles to audit.
银行业使用口令装置已有悠久的历史,上自原则下至核,均有国际规范可供遵循。 |
As bases are added by polymerase to the starting point of a new complementary strand, known as a primer, or recognized by ligase as a match, the template's sequence is revealed.
当聚合酶将一个核苷酸加在新互补链的起始引子之后,或接合酶认定某段核苷酸链与原始模版配对,就可利用这些反应来得出原始模版的序列。 |
As became clear in the fallout from 1998, banks that were aware of LTCM's loss-making positions had a real advantage.
随着98年长期资本崩溃的余波越发显著,那些明白长期资本失去市场地位的银行吸取教训,获得利益。 |