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Olstad, V. XML Tutorial.Humanities Information Technology Centre, October 1999.

Olson Mancur's research explored a new area in collective behavior, which was developed to be a systematic theory by James Coleman. 摘要经济社会学对集体行动的研究因奥尔森的研究进入人们的视野,因科尔曼的研究成为一个系统的理论。
Olson is particularly interested in how the earth's core and mantle interact to produce geomagnetic fields, plate tectonics and deep mantle plumes. 欧尔森对于地核与地函如何交互作用而产生地球磁场、板块运动和地函深部的烟流特别感兴趣。
Olson said the National Park Service has been wanting to do something about the lichen for several years but didn't have the expertise or room in the budget to hire someone. 奥尔森说,数年来国家公园管理局一直都想清理掉这些苔藓,但是,由于不具备相应的技术,也没有充足的预算资金来雇用工人,只好作罢。
Olson, Mancur. 1982. The rise and decline of nations: economic growth, stagflation, and social rigidities. New Heaven: Yale University Press. Especially Chapter 2 and 3. 中译本:《国家兴衰探源:经济增长、膨胀与社会僵化》吕应中等译(商务印书馆,1999年)。阅读以第二、三章为主。
Olson, Mancur. The Logic of Collective Action. Chap. 1-4. 曼可.欧尔森,《集体行动的逻辑》第1-4章。
Olstad, V. XML Tutorial.Humanities Information Technology Centre, October 1999. XML导引〉,挪威卑尔根大学人文资讯技术中心,1999十月。
Olympia is the birthplace that Olympics moves , is located in Greece's capital Athens. 奥林匹亚为奥林匹克运动的发祥地,位于希腊首都雅典。
Olympian efforts were mounted to keep the city from going bankrupt. 进行了极大的努力使全体市民免受破产之灾
Olympic athletes practice for hours day after day, year after year, to improve their skills. 奥林匹克运动员为了提高技巧,每天苦练数小时,日日年年如是。
Olympic diving gold medallist Tian Liang was kicked off the national team in 2005 for taking part in a rash of television ads and endorsements. 2005年,奥运会跳水冠军田亮因频繁参加商业活动而被国家队除名。
Olympic diving gold medallist Tian Liang was kicked out of the national team in 2005 for taking part in a rash of television ads and endorsements*. 2005年,奥运会跳水冠军田亮因频繁参加商业活动而被国家队除名。

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