He's the type who will fix your car, install smoke alarms in your house - and bail you out of jail.
帮你修车、为你安装排烟警报,甚至为保释你出狱不惜倾家荡家,他都无怨无悔。 |
He's the unbelieveable public speaker.
他是个很了不起的演讲家. |
He's the youngest in the family.
他是一家中最小的。 |
He's there the phantom of the opera.
他在那里,歌剧魅影。 |
He's thinking about the math problem.
他正在思考一道数学题。 |
He's thriving, he's normal.
他在茁壮成长,他是正常的。 |
He's tired and can't concentrate.
他累了,注意力不能集中。 |
He's tired because he worked hard all day today.
他疲倦是因为他今天整天工作很紧张。 |
He's told his story so many times it comes in gasps out of order, almost by rote.
他反覆述说他的故事无数次,上气不接下气,语无伦次,几乎是机械式的反应。 |
He's too fond of spouting.
他太喜好高谈阔论。 |
He's too indecisive to make a good leader.
他优柔寡断, 当不了好领导. |