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A playing card marked with nine pips.

A player who takes a position behind the front line of other players in certain games, such as football. 后卫在某种比赛项目中,如足球,处在其它运动员前线位置之后的运动员
A player wins a Mahjong round by creating a standard mahjong hand. 球员麻将回合获胜创造了一个标准麻将.
A playful or amusing act; a prank. 诙谐开玩笑或滑稽的动作;开玩笑
A playground foaming with third graders. 操场上聚满了三年级学生
A playing card bearing the figure of a queen, ranking above the jack and below the king. 王后画有王后人像的一张纸牌,比杰克大但比国王小
A playing card marked with nine pips. 标有九点的一张扑克牌
A playing card with this figure. 梅花纸牌有这种图案的游戏牌
A playing ground for the children beside a big cable car station. 在缆车台旁有个儿童游乐场所。
A plea hearing is set for next Monday. 服从听证会被安排在下个星期一。
A plea hearing is set on next Monday. 一场请求辩解的听证会将在下周一举行。
A pleasant peasant keeps a pleasant pheasant and both the peasant and the pheasant are having a pleasant time together. 一位和气的农民养了一只伶俐的野鸡,而且这位和气的农民和这只伶俐的野鸡在一起度过了一段很美好的时光。

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