Methods After treated with mg tetrose(tetrose group)or mg mannan(mannan group)for 0 minutes at 7℃,0.ml×0 B MBK melanoma cells were injected intraspleen.
方法将0.ml的×0个B-MBK黑色素瘤细胞与mg四糖(四糖组)或mg甘露聚糖(甘露聚糖组)体外 7℃预温 7分钟后,注入小鼠脾内。 |
Methods Analyze the anatomy relation of the trachea and the arteria anonyma and the main reasons of trachea arteria anonyma fistula in clinical through the case.
方法 结合案例对气管与无名动脉的解剖学关系和临床上气管无名动脉瘘的主要原因进行分析。 |
Methods Anterior and posterior height, depth, alar depth, and posterior alar height of the pedicle of S were measured on cadaveric pelves bilaterally.
方法 测量 具尸体骨盆标本双侧S椎弓根前后缘的高度、深度(S椎弓根最狭窄处的宽度)、骶翼深度、骶翼高度。 |
Methods Awaking medicine,hyperbaric oxygenation,aerosol inhalation of borneal solution,keeping function position of limbs and musical therapy were used in treatment and nursing.
方法 采用促醒药物、高压氧治疗、冰片溶液气道雾化、肢体保持功能位、应用音乐疗法等治疗和护理。 结果 例颅脑损伤昏迷患者 ,经治疗后痊愈 8例 (占 . % ) ; |
Methods By using DCG to monitor 78 cases of diabetes in geratic group and cases in presenile group,and to follow up those cases with SMI.
方法选择糖尿病老年组78例,老年前期组例,进行DCG监测,对合并SMI者进行随访。 |
Methods Collecting 7 cases with ischium nerve trauma caused by injecting medicament, checking and analyzing their F-wave conduction velocity.
方法 收集药物注射性坐骨神经损伤患者 7例 ,全部患者均进行了F波传导速度检测 ,对其F波传导速度进行回顾性分析。 |
Methods DPOAE were recorded to days postpartum in 0 ears of 0 healthy newborns with Celesta 0 Cochlear Emission Analyzer.
方法应用Celesta0 型耳声发射分析仪对0名正常新生儿出生后~天逐日进行DPOAE测试。 |
Methods DPOAE were recorded in ears of healthy newborns with CELESTA 0 Cochlear Emission Analyzer.
方法 采用耳声发射分析仪Celesta 0 对正常新生儿 耳及正常听力成人 耳进行DPOAE听力图测试 ,Medisoft9统计学分析。 |
Methods Earwax of students were examined by Parker ink dye to observe the exist condition of malassezia.
方法 应用派克墨水染色镜检法对 例青年耵聍中马拉色菌进行检测 ,并观察耵聍量及瘙痒程度。 |
Methods Eggs of various isolates of S. mansoni were incubated in ×0 - ,0 - ,×0 -7 and 0 -7 mol/L praziquantel for hours, then the eggs were transferred to fresh water to hatch miracidia and the hatch rates were compared.
方法 将各株虫卵分别孵育于 × 0 -、0 -、× 0 -7mol/ L和 0 -7mol/ L吡喹酮溶液中 h,后移至清水孵化 ,比较虫卵的孵化率。 |
Methods Eight hundred and thirty-one married and pregnant(or parous)female employees exposed to noise at levels of 8 00 to 0 0 decibel(A)in textile works were studied.
方法 应用流行病学方法对暴露噪声强度在 8 0 0~ 0 0dB (A)已婚已孕 (育 )的纺织女工 8 人进行调查 ; |