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It is a courtyard built in 1924.

It is a continual burnt offering, which was ordained in mount Sinai for a sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD. 6这是西奈山所命定为常献的燔祭,是献给耶和华为馨香的火祭。
It is a continual burnt offering, which was set up on Mount Sinai for a satisfying fragrance, an offering by fire to Jehovah. 6这是在西乃山所定常献的燔祭,作为献给耶和华怡爽香气的火祭。
It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension. 它是一种腐蚀剂,使团结涣散,关系松懈,工作消极,意见分歧。
It is a cosmetic solution, and as soon as the non-military side of the equation collapses, so too will the precarious peace. 这个解决冲突的方案不过摆摆样子罢了,一旦等式一边的非军事措施失败,另一边岌岌可危的和平便会立即崩溃。
It is a country full of energy and vitality. 这是一个充满了活力和生机的国家。
It is a courtyard built in 1924. 一进五开间,左右厢房各一间。
It is a crime to counterfeit money. 伪造货币是犯罪行为。
It is a crime to stuff the ballot box. 为候选人投伪造票是犯罪行为。
It is a critical problem facing all the countries in the world that the development of urban transportation shall go with environmental preservation and effect use of natural resources. 摘要当前,包括发展中国家在内的世界各国都面临著如何保护地球资源和环境,持续发展城市交通的问题。
It is a crucial moment now.If a brewery is able to a endure longer,it will have a bright future,otherwise,how will it be? 啤酒行业的竞争已经到了一个关口,企业能活着挺过去,前途将一片光明,怎么样活着?
It is a crucial way of securing, developing and motivating people with the right skills and approaches to meet business objectives. 在以恰当的技巧和正确的方法留住人才、发展人才以及给人才以激励从而达到商业目的上,它是至关重要的方法。

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