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He may be dead for aught I know.

He may be at the end of his career but for the next 10 weeks his presence could be hugely significant to United's season. 他也许已经处于职业生涯的末期,未来的10周可能对曼联十分重要。
He may be characterized as a man of hobbies. 他可以被称作是一个有癖好的人。
He may be coarse on the outside, but on the inside there ‘s something. 他也许外表很粗鲁,但是他的内心有些很特别的东西。
He may be conditioned by you (or his mother) immediately to say no to your requests. 不管你如何用美丽的语言提出要求,只要语带命令口气,他所听到的就是他给的不够。
He may be consoled by the thought that Israel has not yet called up more than a fraction of its army, and that in past wars that started badly, notably the one in 1973, Israel has still gone on to win. 他可能从这样的思想中得到安慰,以色列还没有征召大批军事力量,开始就糟糕的过去历次战争,最著名的是1973年那次,以色列仍然能战胜。
He may be dead for aught I know. 说不定他已经死了。
He may be eighty, but he is still lively. 他虽已近八十高龄,但仍充满活力。
He may be lucid when he begins and if well trained he will automatically plan his offense. 刚开始时他可能仍然头脑清楚,如果他训练有素的话,会自动计划他的攻击。
He may be naughty and annoying, but he is a good boy for all that. 尽管他淘气又惹人讨厌,他还是一个好孩子。
He may be overweight, but, to do him justice, he has a handsome face. 他怀疑也许能够过重,不过如同此类,公平地说,他有一张漂亮的脸蛋。
He may be rich for aught I know. 他也许有钱但我一无所知。

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