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One day Rivers learns that an uncle of Jane's, John Eyre, has recently died in Madeira and has left Jane£20, 000.

One day Jiang Yan was so fed up that she decided to leave her charming protector for ever. 最有趣的是,每当外地的公婆来探望小两口的时候,他们总是随身携带着两把椅子,但离开时却决不会忘记再带回去!
One day Kitty Villa received a package. 小猫维拉收到一个包裹。
One day Les boldly went to the local radio station during his lunch break from mowing grass for the city. 一天,莱斯利用在市区割草的午休时间,勇敢地来到了本地电台。
One day Mickey and Goofy went to hunt the little bear.But they were tricked by the smart little bear.Casually,Mickey found eht eg lost by the ostrech mother by coincidencd.But,that meant trouble for Mickey because ostrich monther thought That Mickey stole 米奇与高飞一起去捕猎小浣熊,但都被聪明的小浣熊耍得团团转,无意中米奇拾获了鸵鸟妈妈遗失的蛋,就从那一刻起米奇的麻烦就来了,因为鸵鸟妈妈以为米奇就是偷贼,这回米奇真是有理说不清。
One day Pete came up to me and said, Maharaja, do you think it would be a good idea if I started chanting on beads? 一天皮特来找我,说,“玛哈茹阿佳,你认为我在念珠上念颂是个好主意吗?”
One day Rivers learns that an uncle of Jane's, John Eyre, has recently died in Madeira and has left Jane£20, 000. 一天,里弗斯获悉简的一个叔叔——约翰·爱最近在马德拉岛去世,给简留下了二万英镑遗产。
One day Samson went to Gaza, where he saw a prostitute. He went in to spend the night with her. 2有人告诉迦萨人说,参孙到这里来了。他们就把他团团围住,终夜在城门悄悄埋伏,说,等到天亮我们便杀他。
One day Yu Benshu got sick. 有一天,于本书病了。
One day a Chinese astronaut will go to the moon and even Mars. 有一天中国宇航员将会登上月球,甚至火星。
One day a bartender in a tavern happened to see that there was a bee drowning in one of his kegs of liquor. 有一天,一个酒馆里的店小二碰巧看到有一只掉进酒桶里的蜜蜂,快要淹死了。
One day a chubby girl with naturally curly hair arrives at the salon, asking for a straight perm. 她赫然发现,胖女孩竟然是自己的国中好友黄怡婷。

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