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Gandhi warned us, An eye for an eye, and we all go blind.

Gandhi also said, I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary. The evil it does is permanent. 甘地也曾说过:我反对暴力,因为当暴力被用来做善事时,善事也仅仅是昙花一现。
Gandhi also said: I object to violence, because it appears to do good, the good is only temporary, the evil it dose is permanent. 甘地也说:我反对暴力,因为暴力带来的好处往往都是暂时的,它带来的恶果却是无穷的。
Gandhi is an icon of India's independence movement which ended in its freedom from British colonial rule in 1947. 甘地是印度1947年脱离英国殖民统治的印度独立运动的象征。
Gandhi said, Better to be violent if there's violence in our hearts than to put on the cloak of non-violence to cover impotence. 甘地说过:如果我们心存暴力念头,就要把暴力发泄出来。这要胜过戴上非暴力的面具来掩盖无力。
Gandhi said: It's better to be violent if there's violent in our hearts,; than to put on the cloak on nonviolence to cover impotence. 甘地说:如果心中有暴力,那么去实施它要比用无暴力的外衣遮掩自己的无能要强得多。
Gandhi warned us, An eye for an eye, and we all go blind. 甘地警告我们:“以牙还牙,两败俱伤。”
Gandhi was murdered by an Indian who opposed his views. 甘地被一位反对他的主张的印度人所杀害。
Gandhi was right: If we all live by the “eye for an eye” brand of justice, the whole world will be blind. 神学家莱因霍尔德·尼布尔在第二次世界大战后说:“我们必须最终于我们的敌人和解,不然,我们均将在仇恨的恶毒轮回中毁灭。”
Gandhi's son, Rahul, a member of Parliament and the young star of the Gandhi family political dynasty, visited the scene on Saturday. 甘地夫人的儿子拉胡,同时也是议会的一员,甘地家族政治王朝最年轻耀眼的一颗星,星期六也探访过灾区。
Gandrake: By all means. Find a suitable candidate. 无论怎样。需要找一个适当的候选人。
Gandrake: Stay away from Musashi. We cannot risk a premature conflict. 不要打武藏主意。时机未成熟的冲突不是我们应该冒的险。

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