So let us work together and do it now.
所以,请大家一道开始工作。 |
So let us work together to reform the budget process, expose every earmark to the light of day and to a vote in Congress, and cut the number and cost of earmarks at least in half by the end of this session. (Applause.
所以我们要一道改革预算程序,使每一项拨款都摆在桌面上让议会投票,并且在本届国会结束时使拨款项目数和总额至少减少一半。 |
So let's catch up.
是时候追上进度了. |
So let's be clear: Pluto has to go.
所以,我们要明白:冥王星必须出局。 |
So let's begin some oral work.
让我们做些口头练习。 |
So let's consider dynamics as a friend, not an enemy.
如此让我们把动态视为一个朋友而不是一个敌人。 |
So let's debunk some of the most common falsehoods.
那么,让我们来揭穿一些最常见的谬误吧。 |
So let's examine that, shall we?
那好,我们来算笔账,行么? |
So let's find out how it's done.
因此让我们来看看如何实现它。 |
So let's sing a blues song for you.
这些都是布鲁斯音乐的雏形。 |
So let's take a look at five pillars of contemporary conventional wisdom that have current standing, and see how well they hold up.
好,就让我们研究一下俗套的看法目前站的住脚的五个支持点,看看他们究竟怎样“自圆其说的“。 |