It is now a fruiterer's.
现在这是一家水果店了。 |
It is now a strictly true that scarce a fly or mosquito can be seen in the town and cholera and smallpox are no more.
译文:城市里基本上看不到什么苍蝇和蚊子,霍乱和天花已经绝迹,这是千真万确的。 |
It is now a well known fact that when programmes are designed at a general level, girls get left out but when there is a gender focus in improving service delivery and attitudinal changes, the benefits are for both boys and girls.
众所周知,当一个项目的设计只停留在一般意义上的时候,女童往往是被忽略的;但是,当一个项目的设计将性别作为一个重点,并关注服务的改进和观念的改变时,其受益者则包括男童和女童。 |
It is now absurd to expect Iraq to serve as a democratic inspiration—it has done more to inspire jihad.
如今若再指望伊拉克能担起鼓励民主之大任的话,则太荒唐了,伊拉克更多地鼓励了“圣战”。 |
It is now accepted that there is an integral interaction between plants and their environments and that species-specific alkaloids, as plant chemical defensive weapons and signal compounds, are key players in this interaction.
摘要目前,植物生物硷作为植物的化学防御武器,在植物的生态适应过程中发挥积极作用的观点已得到了普遍的接受。 |
It is now available in low-cal Red Bull Sugarfree.
目前,红牛推出了低热量的无糖型以供选择。 |
It is now being expanded to increase annual production capacity to 200,000 units.
在初创十年后,这家工厂年产11.5万台车辆。 |
It is now being sent to his home by train.
现在正用火车把它运往他家。 |
It is now clear that savant syndrome generally occurs in people with IQs between 40 and 70—although it can occur in some with IQs as high as 114.
出现学者症候群的人智商通常在40~70之间,不过也可能发生在智商高达114的人身上。 |
It is now concentrating on ushering in a democratic republic, with a multiparty democracy within a constitutional framework that is anti-feudal and anti-imperialist, and requiring extensive reorganisation of state power to resolve problems related to clas
尼共(毛主义)目前是通过一种在反帝反封建的宪法框架内,采用多党民主的方式,实现对国家机器的根本改造,以解决阶级,性别,种姓和民族/地区等问题。 |
It is now established that the Milky Way is far more extended and of much greater mass than was hitherto thought.
现在,这已成为一个不争的事实:银河系要比迄今为止所想象的要来得远为浩瀚广阔,并具有远高得多的质量。 |