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But studies suggest that if you cut calorie consumption too drastically, your body counteracts the effect of dieting.

But strangely, valuations right now seem highest in murky stockmarkets like China's. 但奇怪的是,目前的估价权在中国的一些不规范股市上却被视为最高准则。
But stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face. 11你且伸手、毁他一切所有的、他必当面弃掉你。
But stretch out your hand and strike his flesh and bones, and he will surely curse you to your face. 5你且伸手伤他的骨头和他的肉,他必当面弃掉你。
But studies of brain-damaged patients like Willy Anderson (his real name is unknown; the medical literature mentions only this pseudonym) have recently been bolstered by sophisticated brain scans of living subjects. 但是,对类似卫理·安德森(真名不明,医学文献都只提到这个假名)这样的脑损伤病人的研究,却因先进而复杂的活人脑组织扫描技术的应用而得到有力的支持和发展。
But studies published on the topic in this month's Archives of Pediatrics &Adolescent Medicine concluded television viewing tended to have an adverse effect on academic pursuits. 不过,本月刊登在《儿科和青春期医学档案》上的有关这个话题的三份报告得出结论说,看电视容易给孩子的学习带来不利影响。
But studies suggest that if you cut calorie consumption too drastically, your body counteracts the effect of dieting. 但研究结果显示,如果你的卡路里消耗量太过剧烈,你的身体会抵消掉节食的效果。
But studying this near miss has concentrated the minds of researchers wonderfully. 但是关于这场侥幸免撞脱险的研究鬼使神差般地集中到了研究人员们的想法上去了。
But stunt performers' jobs may get less dangerous in the future. 特技演员这份危险性的工作在将来很可能降低。
But style is the emphasis of today's devices. 而强调款式造型则是今天的追求。
But subcontracting or independent brand is an endogenous choice to the firms. 然而,对企业来说,代工还是自创品牌却是内生于经济利益的理性选择。
But subterranean suburbia, Dutch-style, is about to become respectable and chic. 但是地下郊区居民,荷兰方式,变得值得尊敬的和别致的。

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