[bbe] And when he had come to the other side, to the country of the Gadarenes, there came out to him from the place of the dead, two who had evil spirits, so violent that no man was able to go that way. |
中文意思: 耶稣既渡到那边去、来到加大拉人的地方、就有两个被鬼附的人、从坟茔里出来迎著他、极其凶猛、甚至没有人能从那条路上经过。 |
[bbe] And when Moses' father-in-law saw all he was doing, he said, What is this you are doing for the people?
摩西的岳父看见他向百姓所作的一切事,就说,你向百姓作的是什么事呢? |
[bbe] And when did we see you ill, or in prison, and come to you?
又甚麽时候见你病了、或是在监里、来看你呢。 |
[bbe] And when evening came, the lord of the vine-garden said to his manager, Let the workers come, and give them their payment, from the last to the first.
到了晚上、园主对管事的说、叫工人都来、给他们工钱、从后来的起、到先来的为止。 |
[bbe] And when he came to Lehi, the Philistines came out, meeting him with loud cries; then the spirit of the Lord came rushing on him, and the cords on his arms became like grass which has been burned with fire, and the bands came falling off his hands.
参孙到了利希、非利士人都迎著喧嚷.耶和华的灵大大感动参孙、他臂上的绳就像火烧的麻一样、他的绑绳都从他手上脱落下来。 |
[bbe] And when he had come to land at Caesarea, he went to see the church, and then went down to Antioch.
在该撒利亚下了船、就上耶路撒冷去问教会安、随后下安提阿去。 |
[bbe] And when he had come to the other side, to the country of the Gadarenes, there came out to him from the place of the dead, two who had evil spirits, so violent that no man was able to go that way.
耶稣既渡到那边去、来到加大拉人的地方、就有两个被鬼附的人、从坟茔里出来迎著他、极其凶猛、甚至没有人能从那条路上经过。 |
[bbe] And when he had said how glad he was to see them, he gave them a detailed account of the things which God had done through his work among the Gentiles.
他们听见、就归荣耀与神、对保罗说、兄台、你看犹太人中信主的有多少万、并且都为律法热心。 |
[bbe] And when he made his answer in these words, Festus said in a loud voice, Paul, you are off your head; your great learning has made you unbalanced.
保罗这样分诉、非斯都大声说、保罗、你癫狂了罢.你的学问太大、反叫你癫狂了。 |
[bbe] And when he saw the traveller in the street of the town, the old man said, Where are you going? and where do you come from?
老年人举目看见客人坐在城里的街上、就问他说、你从那里来、要往那里去。 |
[bbe] And when he saw them he said, This is the army of God: so he gave that place the name of Mahanaim.
雅各看见他们就说,这是神的军兵,于是给那地方起名叫玛哈念(就是二军兵的意思)。 |
[bbe] And when he sees war-carriages, horsemen by twos, war-carriages with asses, war-carriages with camels, let him give special attention.
他看见军队,就是骑马的一对一对地来,又看见驴队,骆驼队,就要侧耳细听。 |