In 1929, a corporation which included Alfred E. Smith and John Jacob Raskob, and others formed to construct the Empire State Building.
早在1929年,美国一些重要的政经界人士组成公司开始着手建造大厦。 |
In 1929, he converted the opera house into the Chinese Garden, one of the city's most popular night spots, often featuring African American jazz musicians.
1929年,他改成中国戏院,是城??最流行的夜总会之一,提供非洲裔爵士音乐场所。 |
In 1929, the European and American short skirt influence, the original length moderate Chinese dress is started to shorten, in the skirt-width shrinks to the knee, the sleeve cuff shortens changes small.
1929年,受欧美短裙影响,原来长短适中的旗袍开始变短,下摆上缩至膝盖,袖口变短变小。 |
In 1929, the radio program The Rise of the Goldbergsdebuted on the NBC Blue Network.
1929年的今天,“犹太老板的发迹”广播节目在国家广播公司蓝色频道首播。 |
In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R. E. Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time.
美国探险家阿伊伯德在飞越北极三年之后,又于1929年第一次成功地飞越南极。 |
In 1930 John Maynard Keynes imagined that richer societies would become more leisured ones, liberated from toil to enjoy the finer things in life.
约翰.梅纳德.凯恩斯在1930年想象富裕的国家会成为更加休闲的国家,从辛勤的劳作中解放出来,享受生活中更加美好的事物。 |
In 1930, and 1935 Bolivia responded with its own stamps showing the Chaco within the borders of Bolivia.
在1930年和1935年,玻利维亚对自己的邮票,展示了查的边界玻利维亚. |
In 1930, the manager of Chicago radio station WGN created a new type of program: a daily, fifteen-minute serialized drama Painted Dreams, set in the home of an Irish-American widow and her young unmarried daughter.
1930年,芝加哥WGN电台经理开创了一种新的节目形式——一部每天播出15分钟的广播系列剧《粉饰的梦想》,该剧讲述了一个美籍爱尔兰寡妇和她待字闺中的年轻女儿的故事,故事就发生在她们家中。 |
In 1931 a brewery was established in the abbey to help finance the construction of the new monastery.
1931年,开始建立酒厂以资助新的修道院的建设。 |
In 1932 World Disarmament Conference, influenced by Isolationism tradition, protecting for American economic interests in Europe and the domestic mood for opposing Versailles Treaty and sympathizing with Germany, Hoover administration Germany policy on di
摘要1932年的世界裁军会议上,受孤立主义传统和当时美国国内反对《凡尔赛和约》同情德国情绪影响,以及对美国在欧洲经济利益的考虑,胡佛政府在裁军问题上的对德政策从支持德国“权力平等”要求转向有限支持德国重整军备。 |
In 1932, New York Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt announced his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination.
1932年1月23日,纽约州长罗斯福宣布获民主党提名将参选总统。 |