For thousands of years, horse racing has flourished as the sport of kings and of the common man. |
中文意思: 数千年来,赛马一直是一项活跃在王侯与平民之间的运动。 |
For thousands of rescue workers and people who live in the vicinity, these dispersed vapors continue to menace. “One of the things that is clear is that the environmental sampling data does not fully explain what we are seeing,” says Robin Herbert of the
纽约市西奈山-塞利考夫职业及环境医学临床中心的赫柏特说:「有件事我们很清楚:环境取样的数据并不能完全解释我们所看到的情况。 |
For thousands of years Miao Minority people have been experiencing oppression and expel by another peoples.
苗族经历了千百年来被驱逐与受迫害的苦难。 |
For thousands of years after, court officials would yearn for yet never get to serve monarchs such as them.
实际上,除了传说以外,我们对他们知道得非常少。 |
For thousands of years it has been the emblem of the emperor.
数千年来菊花又一直是帝王的象征。 |
For thousands of years yoga was practiced mainly in India.
几千年来,瑜伽主要在印度盛行。 |
For thousands of years, horse racing has flourished as the sport of kings and of the common man.
数千年来,赛马一直是一项活跃在王侯与平民之间的运动。 |
For thousands of years, minds of mankind have been filled with the bewilderment and ignorance for this problem.
千百年来,人类对这一问题充满着困惑和无知。 |
For thousands of years, people have used some kind of refrigeration cooling beverages and preserve edibles.
参考译文:貘,一种具有奇数足趾的有蹄类哺乳动物,以植物为食,吃大量的草、树叶、落下的水果和苔藓等。 |
For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous rice wrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo leaves) and racing dragon boats.
几千年来,人们都保持着在这天吃粽子(一种用竹叶将糯米包裹成金字塔形状的食品)与赛龙舟的传统习俗。 |
For thousands of years, the number of people in the world inched up.
上千年来,世界人口的数量保持着持续缓慢的增长。 |
For thousands of years, the common belief held, was that meteors, or falling stars,were literally from out of this world.
几千年来,人们普遍认为,流星或称坠落的星星,实际上是天外来客。 |