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[bbe] And Jacob put up a pillar on her resting-place; which is named, The Pillar of the resting-place of Rachel, to this day.

[bbe] And Israel said to Joseph, Now that I have seen you living again, I am ready for death. 以色列对约瑟说、我既得见你的面、知道你还在、就是死我也甘心。
[bbe] And Israel was true to the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the older men who were still living after Joshua's death, and had seen what the Lord had done for Israel. 约书亚在世、和约书亚死后、那些知道耶和华为以色列人所行诸事的长老、还在的时候、以色列人事奉耶和华。
[bbe] And Israel went journeying on and put up his tents on the other side of the tower of the flock. 以色列起行前往,在以得台那边支搭帐棚。
[bbe] And Jaareshiah and Elijah and Zichri, the sons of Jeremoth. 雅利西、以利亚、细基利都是耶罗罕的儿子。
[bbe] And Jacob gave that place the name of Peniel, saying, I have seen God face to face, and still I am living. 雅各便给那地方起名叫毗努伊勒。〔就是神之面的意思〕意思说、我面对面见了神、我的性命仍得保全。
[bbe] And Jacob put up a pillar on her resting-place; which is named, The Pillar of the resting-place of Rachel, to this day. 雅各在她的坟上立了一统碑,就是拉结的墓碑,到今日还在。
[bbe] And Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, You have made trouble for me and given me a bad name among the people of this country, among the Canaanites and the Perizzites: and because we are small in number they will come together against me and make war on 雅各对西缅和利未说、你们连累我、使我在这地的居民中、就是在迦南人、和比利洗人中、有了臭名、我的人丁既然稀少、他们必聚集来击杀我、我和全家的人、都必灭绝。
[bbe] And Jacob said, First of all give me your birthright. 雅各说、你今日把长子的名分卖给我罢。
[bbe] And Jacob said, First of all give me your oath; and he gave him his oath, handing over his birthright to Jacob. 雅各说、你今日对我起誓罢.以扫就对他起了誓、把长子的名分卖给雅各。
[bbe] And Jacob went on to Succoth, where he made a house for himself and put up tents for his cattle: for this reason the place was named Succoth. 雅各就往疏割去,在那里为自己盖造房屋,又为牲畜搭棚。因此那地方名叫疏割(就是棚的意思)。
[bbe] And Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, went back to his house in Jerusalem in peace. 犹大王约沙法平平安安地回耶路撒冷,到宫里去了。

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