Management and Maintenance of the Biological Sample
生物标本的管理与维修 |
Detection of hepatitis type B virus-like antigen and antibody from pigs and cattles
从猪和牛检出类乙肝病毒抗原和抗体 |
Structural and Vibrational Properties of Uracil and Hydrated Uracil
尿嘧啶、水合尿嘧啶的结构和振动性质研究 |
Cloning, High Level Expression and Purification of Rat βB2 crystallin
大鼠βB2晶体蛋白的克隆、高效表达及纯化 |
Effects of DMF on Competitive Inhibition of Lipoxygenase and Relaxation of Substrate Inhibition in Aerobic Catalysis of Lipoxygenase
DMF竞争性抑制大豆脂氧酶好氧催化及其松弛底物抑制的综合作用 |
Effect of Magnetic Fields on Superoxide Dismutase Activity Using Response Surface Methodology
响应曲面法研究磁场对超氧化物歧化酶活性的影响(英文) |
Cloning and Fusion Expression of esat6-cfp10 of Mycobacterlum Tuberculosis and Its Purification
结核分枝杆菌esat6-cfp10融合基因的克隆表达及纯化 |
Role of histidine residues in the catalytic activity of PFP from pineapple leaves
组氨酸残基在焦磷酸:果糖-6-磷酸1-磷酸转移酶催化功能中的作用 |
Plasmids and Integrant Mutant Strains for Transcriptional Study on Quorum Sensing System in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
铜绿假单胞菌感应分子对照质粒及整合突变株的构建 |
The construction and application of siRNA-DNA expression vector
RNAi-DNA表达载体的构建与应用 |