But with inflation dissipating and the economic slowdown taking a stronger hold, speculators might force the hand of the central banks.
但是随着美国通胀逐渐消除,以及经济增长出现放缓,投机者可能会再次迫使日本央行采取行动。 |
But with it being prosperous, the talk show reveals more and more problems.
谈话节目在丰富国内电视节目的同时,也呈现出诸多问题。 |
But with its president, Hu Jintao, under pressure to look statesmanlike as a guest of the G8 in St Petersburg, it agreed on July 15th to a compromise, brokered by Britain, that still strongly condemned the missile tests and banned the transfer of missile-
7月15日,作为客人参加圣彼得堡G-8峰会的具有政治家品质和才能的中国国家主席胡锦涛在压力下同意妥协,经英国的斡旋,安理会通过了强烈谴责北朝鲜导弹试射行为并禁止向北朝鲜转让与导弹相关技术的决议。 |
But with lawyers arguing over the legality of the buy-out, Chelsea believe they would be able to prove he had been induced to break his contract, bringing about a ban of up to six months before he would be free to play again.
尽管律师们仍在争论放弃合约的合法性,但如果兰帕德真的这么做,在他获得自由身之前,切尔西俱乐部肯定会给予他禁赛6个月的处罚。 |
But with local officials turning a blind eye, business is going on as usual once the sun has gone down.
但由于地方官员睁一只眼闭一只眼,只要太阳落了山,这里的生产就一切照旧。 |
But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness.
5但他们中间,多半是神不喜欢的人。所以在旷野倒毙。 |
But with more rains on their way and with difficulties in flood control, the ordeal is far from over.
:主播:自从五月以来,洪水与暴雨已经夺走了超过500条人命,最后在一些地区总算降到警戒线以下。 |
But with most of them God was not well pleased, for they were strewn along in the wilderness.
5但他们大多数的人,神并不喜悦,因此他们倒毙在旷野。 |
But with my irrational sense of urgency this weekend, I can't concentrate on anything but the road ahead, and can't be deterred.
但由于我这个周末无端的紧迫感,我只能把精力集中在前面的路上,无法转移注意力。 |
But with no hard cash on the table as yet, no arrangements could be made to start allocating the funding.
然而由于利物浦无法拿出真金白银作证,委员会无法作出分配使用这笔基金的安排。 |
But with oil selling for around $70 a barrel, and with big oil firms struggling to find new resources, the oil sands suddenly seem much more attractive.
但鉴于当下油价在70美元上下波动,而石油巨头们却苦于找不到新的资源,油沙似乎突然间变得十分的吸引。 |