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Buildings are in various states of disrepair, fires of infernal origin still burn under a perpetually darkened sky, and creatures of the underworld lurk the abandoned streets.

Building up socialist rule-of-law state means setting up the law of self-rule procedure, including equality of parties, opening of order, self-government of decision etc, in order to give double-track play to the substantive and procedural law in the cour 建构中国社会主义法治国家,首先必须加强程序法制建设,建立主体平等、过程公开、决策自治的现代程序制度,发挥程序法制和实体法制的双轨合力,加速中国法治化的进程。
Building: light material for walls,mobile room,doorang dividing half height wall inside office;material for decoration. 建筑类:蜂窝复合和轻质墙体材料、活动板房、办公隔断墙、门和装饰装璜材料。
Building?Sentences? 造句?
Buildings &Sites: The Grand Theater, City Government Hall, Urban Development Exhibition Hall, Shanghai Musium, Undergound shopping mall, etc. 著名建筑有:上海大剧院、市政府办公大楼、城市规划展览馆、上海博物馆、地下商业城等。
Buildings and urban open spaces should be designed in such a way that a minimum of energy is needed to light and service them in terms of harnessing heat for hot water, heating, cooling, ventilation and the generation of electricity from light. 建筑物和城市开放空间应该这样设计——能源应恰当的节制使用,包括用于照亮、加热水、冷却、通风的能源。
Buildings are in various states of disrepair, fires of infernal origin still burn under a perpetually darkened sky, and creatures of the underworld lurk the abandoned streets. 大厦不同形式毁损,黑天之下阴火燃烧,碎石大道之是潜伏着来自地底的生物。
Buildings, roads and sidewalks have developed an appetite for air pollution. 建筑物、马路和行人道将可以转变成为对付空气污染的设施。
Builds others‘ trust in own professionalism, integrity, expertise and ability to get results. 在自己的专业领域、诚信、专业知识以及完成任务的能力方面令他人产生信任。
Builds our new Great Wall ours flesh and blood! 把我们的血肉筑成我们新的长城!
Built according to the specifications of the buyer. 定制的按顾客的专门要求建造的
Built at a cost of $900 million on behalf of State Grid Corporation, China's longest HVDC transmission link delivers much-needed power from the Three Gorges hydropower plant in central China to the coastal megacity of Shanghai. 由中国国家电网公司投资9亿美元建造的这条中国最长的HVDC传输线,从三峡水电站向中国的沿海城市上海输送着大量需要的电力。

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