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Your dedication and loyalty will lead whomever you meet along the way to believe that you are quite the catch.

Your decision to exit a trade means you perceive changing circumstances. Don't suddenly think you can pick a price, exit at the market. 退出交易意味着你预测市场环境有变换,不要突然决定退出。
Your decisions are subject to my approval. 你的决定要服从我的批准。
Your deck must include at least 60 cards, not counting your starting hero. Your hero starts the game in play, and it isn't considered a part of your deck. 你的牌组至少必须包括60张牌,起始英雄卡不计入。英雄卡用于开始游戏,所以它不被算成牌组的一员。
Your declared food likes and dislikes will be taken into account when your host prepares the evening meal but you should remember that you are expected to fit in with the usual family diet. 你所声明的喜欢吃或不喜欢吃的食物在他们准备晚餐的时候会被考虑,但是你应当记得你应该尽量适应家庭的饮食习惯。
Your decrees are the theme of my song wherever I lodge. 54我在世寄居、素来以你的律例为诗歌。
Your dedication and loyalty will lead whomever you meet along the way to believe that you are quite the catch. 你的奉献和忠诚让任何碰到你的人都很信任你。
Your dedication and prowess serve as an example for all Blood Knights. 你的贡献和英勇可以作为一个所有血骑士的例子。
Your dedication to service is our aim, your 100 is the satisfaction of our pursuit! 为您竭诚服务,是我们的宗旨,让您一百个满意是我们的追求!
Your deduction is definitely unreasonable. 你的推论无疑是不合理的。
Your default button shouldn't be something that is potentially destructive, such as delete or save (perhaps your user really did not want to save the object at that moment). 问题是有时人将会偶然地碰撞那进入/回返钥匙当他们不是故意要的时候,结果唤起内定的钮扣。
Your default button shouldn't be something that is potentially destructive, such asdelete or save (perhaps your user really did not want to save the object at that moment). 你的默认按钮应该避免具有破坏性,比如删除或者保存(或许你的用户那时并不愿意保存这个项目)。

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