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“But, my dear Elizabeth,” she added, “what sort of girl is Miss King? I should be sorry to think our friend mercenary.

“But will something happen?” asked Allen. 爱伦问:“可是真的会有什么事情方式发生吗?”
“But you know some foreigners, don't you? 那你肯定认识一些外国人吧?
“But you might mingle with other young people,” his mother reproved him, but felt a kindness in her heart. “但是你也许可以和其他人年轻人一样。”他的母亲责备他道,然而却是语重心长的。
“But young man, don't you realize that there are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it. You can't possibly make a difference. “可是,年轻人,难道你不明白海岸绵延,海星遍布,你这样做根本无法改变什么吗?”
“But, being a Geordie, what better way is there to go out than winning a derby 4-1 away from home and scoring a goal if that's going to be your last? “但是,作为一个基尼,还有什么比在德比大战中4-1获胜并取得进球更好的引退方式呢?
“But, my dear Elizabeth,” she added, “what sort of girl is Miss King? I should be sorry to think our friend mercenary. 她接着又说:“可是,亲爱的伊丽莎白,金小姐是怎么样的一个姑娘?我可不愿意把我们的朋友看作是一个见不得钱的人啊。”
“But… Lord Crowley, the killer could be one of a thousand people. How will you find him?” The Inquisitor was now showing genuine concern. “可是...克劳利陛下,茫茫人海,凶手是谁,你如何能够找到他呢?”检察官问出了他真正关心的问题。
“By 2010, we envisage China importing 460m tonnes of iron ore, out of a world total [for transcontinental trade] of 895m tonnes,” he says. 他表示:“我们预计,到2010年,中国的铁矿石进口量将达到4.6亿吨,而全球(跨洲贸易量)将高达8.95亿吨。”
“By George, I'll do it now,” said Maxwell, half aloud. “I'll ask her now. I wonder I didn't do it long ago. “天哪,我现在就去。”麦克斯韦尔脱口说了出来,“我现在就去要求她。我不明白为什么早不去做。”
“By integrating open source APIs into new products, software vendors can bring solutions to market faster, ease integration and create what customers actually want rather than what developers think they want. “通过在新产品中整合开源API,软件供应商可以更快的为市场引入解决方案,使集成简单化并创建客户真正想要的东西而不是程序员觉得客户需要的东西。”
“By linking up with Fleming, the bank can plug a gap at the top end of its wealth management service, but there is still a big hole in the mid-segment. “通过与弗莱明联合,该行可以填补其在高端理财服务方面的欠缺,但在中端理财业务方面仍有一个大漏洞。”

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