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Today, the grief of families continues.

Today, the difference between MOM and OOM is not so obvious. 今天,MOM和OOM之间的不同不是那么明显。
Today, the displaying of lanterns is still a big event on the 15th day of the first lunar month throughout China. 今天,正月15挂花灯在整个华夏大地仍就是一项很隆重盛大的活动。
Today, the dwarves still keep a watchful vigilance up. 今天,矮人们依旧保持着警觉性。
Today, the forest has been fairly well reestablished, tending to a mixed forest of evergreen broad-leaf and deciduous broad-leaf trees in succession. 该群落的物种多样性在同地区的次生林类型中处于较高水平,表明群落以前受到过中度干扰,目前的恢复状况较好,群落的演替趋势是常绿阔叶落叶阔叶混交林。
Today, the former Iraqi leader sits in a jail cell in the Baghdad area. 如今,这名前伊拉克领导人呆在巴格达地区的一所监狱里。
Today, the grief of families continues. 今天,受难者亲人的哀伤仍未消逝。
Today, the increased price is a mechanism for constraining the demands of an overheated global economy. 今天,油价的上涨限制全球经济过渡繁荣的机制。
Today, the issues those suits raise still hang in the balance: Does this really hurt content providers? 现在这个关于平衡的问题依旧悬而未决。这些做法真的伤害到内容提供商了么?
Today, the market economy is developing to every place, especially the stinging market competition, and the rapid changing consumption concept. 在市场经济不断深化发展的今天,特别是市场竞争的不断升级,消费观念日新月异。
Today, the memories of some microcomputers even can be expandable to hundreds of megabytes. 现今,有些微机的内存甚至可以扩展到几百兆。
Today, the national highway system is considered complete and much of the investment in roads has shifted from construction to maintenance freeing up funds for reinvestment in public transit and smart community growth. 今天国家高速公路系统被认为已经完备,许多公路投资从投资建设转向投资维护,这样释放了大量基金用于投资共同交通和智慧型社区增长。

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