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Princess Isabelle: The king desires peace.

Princess Dian was a real clotheshorse. It's hard to imagine how much she had spent on clothes. 黛安娜王妃是一个很讲究穿戴的人,很难想象她花在衣服上的钱有多少。
Princess Diana was not pregnant when she died in a Paris car crash nine years ago, says the manager of the London mortuary where her post-mortem examination took place. 英国已故黛安娜王妃死后进行验尸的一家伦敦太平间的经理说,9年前在巴黎车祸身亡的黛妃当时并未怀孕。
Princess Diana's sons complained through their private secretary. 戴安娜王妃的儿子们透过他们的私人秘书表达不满。
Princess Diana's wedding was the stuff of fairy tales. Now her ancestral home is throwing open its doors for all and sundry to say their marriage vows. 当年,英国王妃戴安娜与王储查尔斯梦幻般的婚礼让无数人羡慕不已。如今,普通人便可以在王妃故居结婚,因为王妃之兄已宣布将它公开出租。
Princess Grace of Monaco was perhaps the nearest thing, but then she had really been a movie star, which surely provided the vital luster to her role as figurehead of a country that is little more than a gambling casino on the southern coast of France. 摩纳哥王妃大概是有魅力的一位,不过她已经是一位货真价实的电影明星了,这样的身分让她成为这个国家名义上的领袖,然而这样的魅力只略胜于在法国南部沿岸的赌场。
Princess Isabelle: The king desires peace. 国王渴望和平。
Princess Jolin: I'm going to rescue my Jack! 裘琳公主:我要救出我的杰克!
Princess Jolin: Mmm..They look so yummy. 裘琳公主:他们看起来美味可口。
Princess Lechang and Xu Deyan had a premonition that their county would be occupied by the invaders and they would have to leave the palace and go into exile. 乐昌公主和徐德言都预感到他们的国家将被入侵者占领,他们也会被迫离开王宫,背井离乡。
Princess Leia: I love you. 莉娅公主:我爱你。
Princess Leia:How do you know? 丽亚公主:你怎么知道的?

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