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Back in 1994 the Chinese government announced a plan to develop a stand-alone industry to general disbelief.

Back home, the neighbor asked his wife to help him solve the riddle. 回家后,农夫邻居要他的妻子,帮助他解答这些难题。
Back in 1784, American merchant ship the Empress of Chinacame a long way to China. 一七八四年,美国商船“中国皇后号”远航到中国。
Back in 1886, a pharmacist in Atlanta, Georgia cooked up a thick, sweet syrup made from coca leaves and kola nuts. 在1886年,亚特兰大的一位药剂师乔治亚用古柯叶和可乐果烹煮出一种又稠又甜的糖浆。
Back in 1937, when the Japanese invaded China, he had been a schoolteacher in this, his native village. 他是本镇人,一九三七年日本侵华时,他在这里教书。
Back in 1949, the Centre Court ball boys had to chase a squirrel off the hallowed turf while the players sat down to await the all-clear. 1949年,中央球场的球童们不得不将一只松鼠逐出赛场,而选手们只好坐等警报解除。
Back in 1994 the Chinese government announced a plan to develop a stand-alone industry to general disbelief. 中国政府曾在1994年宣布了一项汽车产业发展计划,结果引来一片怀疑之声。
Back in Barcelona, meanwhile, suits are also ploting a move for Diego Forlan - and are royally unperturbed by murmurs that Everton are interested in the Uruguayan too. 话说回来,巴萨的高层同时在计划把弗兰买过来,而埃弗顿也对这个乌拉圭人蠢蠢欲动。
Back in Gaza, Palestinian police fatally shot a Palestinian gunman and wounded at least seven other armed Palestinians as they attempted to restore order. 回到加沙,为了恢复秩序,巴勒斯坦警察无奈地打死一名枪手,至少有7名武装分子受伤。
Back in Germany Karunesh lived in the Rajneesh commune in Hamburg for five years. 回德国后,“慈悲”在汉堡的静心公社呆了五年。
Back in Honolulu a few days later, I realize that I'll soon be leaving Hawaii. 数日后,我回到檀香山,发现我的夏威夷之旅已接近尾声了。
Back in Honolulu that evening, I head out for a night on the town. 那天傍晚回到檀香山后,我到镇上逛了一晚上。

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