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Jiang Wei Yu, general manager of Xing Tao, leads all the staff to sincerely welcome all clients at home and abroad to negotiate business, hand in hand with us to open a brave future.

Jiandian processing, steel and fibre products, PVC plastic bags. 加工肩垫、海棉及纤维制品、PVC胶袋。
Jiang Bali was one of the most famous military theorists and founders of modem national defencing thoughts. 摘要蒋百里是中国近代著名的军事理论家、中国近代国防理论的奠基人。
Jiang Cheng Village is a small community with only 260 people. JHF has trained their village committee in participatory rural development. 蒋呈村是个只有260人的小社区。建华在进入这个社区时,对村委会进行过参与式农村发展的培训。
Jiang Hong, Apps Michael J. Zhang Yanli, Peng Changhui and Woodard Paul M., 1999, Modeling the spatial pattern of net primary productivity in Chinese forests, Ecological Modeling 122,275-288. 郭泉水,江洪,徐庆,1999.中国主要森林群落的植物生活型谱与气候因子的统计数学模型及环境解析.植物生态学报,(1999增刊)1-10.
Jiang Qing said: Deng Xiaoping is a quisling and a fascist! 江青说:邓小平是个一个卖国贼,法西斯。
Jiang Wei Yu, general manager of Xing Tao, leads all the staff to sincerely welcome all clients at home and abroad to negotiate business, hand in hand with us to open a brave future. “兴陶”总经理俞江伟携全体员工热烈欢迎海内外客商来人来函洽谈业务,诚挚期待您与我们携手共进,共创美好未来。
Jiang Yan, a great litterateur in Southern Dynasty, is well-known for his Thirty Miscellaneous Poems which is modeled after the ancients. 摘要江淹是南朝著名文学家,其诗歌《杂体诗三十首》是其著名的拟古之作。
Jiang Yang Trading Limited is full of well-known foreign trade company in Shanghai, with the scale of development, expanded trade area, an interactive design on the wine areas for the commission to accept its overall brand image planning. 江满阳贸易有限公司是上海地区知名的进出口贸易公司,随着规模的发展,逐步拓宽行业的领域,亘一设计接受其委托就葡萄酒领域进行了整体的品牌形象的规划。
Jiang Zemin attended the handover ceremony on June 301997. 江泽民出席了1997年7月30日的接交仪式。
Jiang Zemin's explication about the grave relation of accurately deal with the socialistic modernization construction, is of scientifically analyzing on domestic and international situations, and is that comes out from the practice of our country's social 摘要江泽民关于正确处理社会主义现代化建设重大关系的论述,是科学分析国际国内形势、从我国社会主义现代化建设的实戏中产生的。
Jiang Zemin,the Chinese President,had a cordial meeting with Lee Kuan Yew,the former Prime Minister of Singapore,Ketumile Joni Masire,former President of Botswana, and John Malcolm Fraser,former Prime Minister of Australia in the Great Hall of the People. 国家主席江泽民在人民大会堂亲切会见出席“论坛”会议的新加坡前总理李光耀、博茨瓦纳前总统马西雷、澳大利亚前总理弗雷泽。

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