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Any donation from you will help us in giving more help to more cats.

Any dispute shall be referred to the decision of a single expert to be agreed between them or in defaut of agreement to be appointed on the application of either party by the trusty. 所有争议的解决应该参考双方认同的专家的意见,或者按照任何一方申请,由可信赖的第三方指定仲裁者。
Any disputes arising form the execution of or in connection with the contract shall be settled through mutual consultations between the parties thereto. 在履行合同时合同双方如发生争议,双方应通过相互协商解决。
Any document of the administrative department for patent under the State Council may be served by mail, by personal delivery or by other means. 国务院专利行政部门的各种文件,可以通过邮寄、直接送交或者其他方式送达当事人。
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified. 任何表现为有健康疾病及行为表现不正常的犬只均可判为失格。
Any domestic equipment that is purchased by the foreign investment group, encouraged by the government, will have 40% of the purchasing investment of the domestic equipment as an income tax credit in the year that the equipment is purchased compared to th 十、凡属鼓励类的外商投资项目,其购买国产设备投资的40%可从购置设备当年比前一年新增的企业所得税中抵免。
Any donation from you will help us in giving more help to more cats. 你任何数额的捐款都可以有助扩展我们的爱猫行动。
Any doubts about the class and quality of young Argentinian midfielder Esteban Cambiasso were wiped away in the closing stages of Real Madrid's centenary match against a FIFA World XI. 对于这位年轻阿根廷中场艾斯特万·坎比亚索的技术和素质的任何怀疑都在近阶段皇马与世界球星联队的皇马百年庆祝比赛中烟消云散。
Any doubts about the solidity of the pound will almost automatically decrease its value. 任何对英镑可靠性的怀疑几乎会自动地降低它的价值。
Any duplication or use of such diagrams, sounds or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the author's agreement. 未经作者同意,不允许在其他的电子印刷出版物上,复制或使用例如图表或文字等的资料。
Any economy organizations, groups or individuals at home and abroad, introducing projects which can yield returns, will be rewarded with RMB30,000yuan if introducing a project with the fixed capital investment of RMB10 million yuan (USD a million dollars 成功引进使项目发挥效益的国内外经济组织和团体及个人,引进固定资产投资1000万元人民币(外资项目100万美元)项目的有功人员奖励3万元人民币,在此基础上每增加1000万元人民币(外资100万美元),追加奖励2万元人民币,最高可达到21万元人民币。
Any electric light bulb will eventually burn out. 任何灯炮最后总会烧坏。

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