Finest arrested eight persons who counterfeit and vend the university matriculate advice note at the first of this month.
警察在本月初逮捕了8名伪造和贩卖假大学录取通知书的人. |
Finest house on the whole river,’ cried Toad boisterously. ‘Or anywhere else, for that matter,’ he could not help adding.
“蟾儿,让咱们先安静地坐一会儿吧!”河鼠说,一屁股坐在一张扶手椅上。鼹鼠坐在他旁边的另一张扶手椅上、说了几句客气话,赞美蟾蜍那“可爱的住宅”。 |
Finger 1: The Chinese sturgeon swam hardly in the water after spawning, researchers are taking care of it carefully.
图一:刚产卵后的中华鲟在水里举步维艰,科研人员精心照料。 |
Finger 3: Transportation of the Chinese sturgeon.
图三:转运中华鲟。 |
Finger 4: In the rearing pool at the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, the fries of wild Chinese sturgeon mother: The fries, which are successful artificially incubated, are eating breakfast with tasty
图四:长江水产研究所的幼鲟饲养池里,野生中华鲟妈妈的孩子们:一尾尾人工孵化成功的小中华鲟们正津津有味地吃着早餐:红红的如同细线的水蚯蚓。 |
Finger PAL is starting their trip to USA.
小指友开始他们的美国之旅. |
Fingernails are made from the same substance as a bird's beak.
指甲和鸟喙的组成成分都相同。 |
Fingerprint means illustrating specificities and commonness of the matter with atlas that provides the foundation to discriminate itself from others.
摘要指纹图谱是指以图谱的方法将物质的特异性和共性展现出来,并以此作为判断和鉴定该物质的依据。 |
Fingerprint readers offer greater security, because it is almost impossible to fake a human digit.
指纹辨识器比较安全,因为真人的手指几乎不可能伪造。 |
Fingers dripping with myrrh on the handles of a lock are an image of the ability of bitter repentance to unlock the doors of the hardened heart to Christ.
用手指滴一滴没药在锁的把手上,一种痛苦的悔改的肖像就会出现,开启变硬的心的门,直到基督那里。 |
Fingers held back and apart ready to follow up to the eyes.
手指后仰、分开,准备后续进攻挖对手眼睛。 |