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After years of legal battles, they are heading to court in June for what may be the end of the story of the world\'s most expensive pair of trousers.

After years of family fighting,the uncles agreed to wipe off old scores so that their children could marry. 经过了多年的家族争斗这后,叔父们同意不究旧账,以便他们的子女能够通婚。
After years of fierce lobbying and months of secrecy, Beijing unveiled five mascots for the 2008 Olympics on Friday, opening a marketing blitz that is expected to reap record profits. 在经过了几年激烈的选拔和几个月的保密工作后,北京周五终于揭开了2008年奥运会五个吉祥物的神秘面纱,纪念品迅速抢占了市场,期待创造收益新高。
After years of fighting the people longed for peace. 经过多年的战斗,人民渴望和平.
After years of hard work, his hopes came to fruition. 在多年辛苦工作后,他的盼望有了成果。
After years of lawsuits, we were relieved to get an out-of-court settlement. 经过多年的诉讼后,能在庭外和解了事,我们都觉得松了一口气。
After years of legal battles, they are heading to court in June for what may be the end of the story of the world\'s most expensive pair of trousers. 在多年的法律斗争后,他们将在六月的开庭来结束这个世界上最贵的裤子的故事。
After years of listening to him, I finally told him off. 几年来一直听他的话,最后,我(终于)回口了。
After years of litigation, the average farmer would get only about $50. 多年的诉讼之后,平均每位村民只能拿到约50美元。
After years of neglect they still manage to function, though not always too efficiently. If it's basic transport you're after then you can't go wrong. 多年不保养仍能使用,虽然不太有效率。如果你寻找一个基本运输工具你没选错。
After years of negotiation, the strained relations between the two nations no longer exist. 在多年的谈判之后,存在于两个国家之间的紧张的关系消失了。
After years of not being used, the field needed to be fallowed. 几年后没使用,田地需要被整地。

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