The reflected sunshine dazzles us.
反射的太阳光令人目眩. |
The reflected sunshine is dazzling.
反射的太阳光令人目眩. |
The reflected sunshine is dizzy.
反射的太阳光令人目眩. |
The reflected sunshine is swimming.
反射的太阳光令人目眩. |
The reflected sunshine make me swimming.
反射的太阳光令人目眩. |
The reflected sunshine make us dizzy.
反射的太阳光令人目眩. |
The reflecting light is swimming.
反射的太阳光令人目眩. |
The reflecting sunshine make people swimmy.
反射的太阳光令人目眩. |
The reflection of light from a colored surface has two components.
一个有颜色的表面反射的光有两个组分。 |
The reflection of sun confused me.
反射的太阳光令人目眩. |
The reflection of the sun was blinding.
反射的太阳光令人目眩. |