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“NEW FUJI” gets a great reputation in China and overseas market by its best quality and constantly reliable performance, even more it is the deserved first brand in the Chinese digital printing Image Products (master, ink) market.

“My sweetheart, my only, my love, why are you like this? “亲爱的,我惟一的爱,你怎么这样?
“My wife and two kids are all back home, she works on a farm to take care of the kids. “我老婆和两个孩子都在老家,她要种地照顾孩子。”
“My worry is there will be another bombing or shootings” timed to the executions, he said. “If that happens, then I fear the masses will be uncontrollable. “我担心可能会有更多的爆炸和枪击”在判决执行的同时,他表示。“如果真的是那样,我担心群众情绪会失控。”
“Myself and Wes Brown were both playing 15 yards inside their half, which is unheard of at this level. “我和韦斯布朗能够在比赛中双双压入对方半场15码,这在这个水平的比赛里听都没听说过。”
“NEW FUJI” gets a great reputation in China and overseas market by its best quality and constantly reliable performance, even more it is the deserved first brand in the Chinese digital printing Image Products (master, ink) market. “新富士”品牌多年来以优良的品质、始终如一的高可靠性,在中国和海外市场赢得崇高赞誉,更是中国数码速印机耗材市场(油墨、版纸)兼容品牌中当之无愧的第一品牌!
“NEW YORK rain” is the local term for water that drips, annoyingly, from air-conditioners onto passers-by. 是一个指那些从空调滴落到行人身上令人讨厌水滴的俗语。
“Name-matching can play a crucial role in counterterrorism by enabling analysts to piece together snippets of intelligence. “名字匹配计划与行动能够在反恐运动中起到至关重要的作用,只要让名字分析师拼凑起名字情报的各种碎片。”
“Nature Unleashed: Tornado” is an action thriller starring Daniel Bernhardt, directed by Alain Jakubowicz and filmed in Romania in 2003. 失控的自然:龙卷风是一部由丹尼尔伯恩哈特主演的惊险动作片,由阿雷恩.雅克布维茨导演,于2003年拍摄于罗马尼亚.
“Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” Nathanael asked. “Come and see,” said Philip. 拿但业对他说、拿撒勒还能出甚麽好的麽。腓力说、你来看。
“Nedved, in the 47th minute of the second half, voluntarily trod on his opponent's ankle,” read an official note from the disciplinary commission. 内德维德,在下半场47分钟时,踢中对方球员脚裸,一名纪律委员会的官员念道.

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