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廖柏森(2003).破除幼儿学习英语的迷思,敦煌英语教学电子杂志5月号。 |
Chiang, S. (2005). “Hydrologic Model Comparison and Refinement through Uncertainty Recognition and Quantification”, Thesis of Doctor of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan.
江申(1997).“数值高程模式流径累积值于集水区迳流模拟之应用,”国立台湾海洋大学河海工程学系硕士学位论文。 |
Chiang, S.H. (1992) Quantifying Soil Erosion on Slopelands in the Bajun Watershed, Journal of Geographical Science, Department of Geography, National Taiwan University, 15:1-14.
卢光辉、姜善鑫(1990)农业非点源污染模式在大湖小农集水区之应用﹐中华水土保持学报﹐第21卷第1期﹐62-72页. |
Chiang, S.H. ,Lo, A.K.F. and Young, M.H.(1994) Trends of Climatic Warming in Taiwan, Chinese Environment and Development, 5(1):77-98.
姜善鑫、于静元(1993)嘉南平原洪患区的土地利用变迁之研究﹐国立台湾大学地理学系地理学报﹐第16期﹐1-20页. |
Chianti Classico is Italy's best known red wine.
意大利最有名的红酒。 |
Chiao lived aboard the International Space Station from October 2004 to April 2005 as commander of NASA's Expedition 10.
华裔宇航员焦立中作为美国宇航局“远征十队”指挥官,于2004年10月至2005年4月在国际空间站工作和生活了半年多的时间。 |
Chiao said he considered all the issues facing the nation -- not just the future of the space program -- in deciding whom to vote for. He said the choice was private.
焦立中表示,在决定给谁投票时,他考虑了国家面临的所有情况,而不仅仅是空间项目的前景。他说这个选择完全是他的个人行为。 |
Chiao, 44, sent in his ballot Sunday night -- Halloween night and maybe that s kind of appropriate.
现年44岁的焦立中是在周日晚上寄出选票的,他说:“万圣节的夜晚或许是个合适的时机。” |
Chiasmata are seen during this stage, and by the end of diakinesis the nucleoli and nuclear membrane have disappeared.
在这个时期可以看见交叉,在终变期末细胞核中的核仁,核膜消失。 |
Chic clothes; a chic boutique.
时髦的服装;一件雅致的饰物 |
Chicago (26-29) has lost nine of 11 and is fading fast in the AL Central.
芝加哥(26胜29败)在美联中区近十一场中输了九场,他们正在逐渐的凋谢当中。 |