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One classic example is diabetes.

One child remains hospitalized after a woman ploughed her car through a church street festival, injuring dozens. 一名妇女驾驶她的汽车冲进教堂的街头艺术节(街头舞会),致使几十人受伤,一名孩子目前仍在医院接受治疗。
One child with a fever was released after four hours, and then was driven away in an ambulance. 四个小时后,一个发烧的孩子被释放并由救护车带走。
One choice for people who want a low-risk investment is the money market. 对于想要低风险投资的人他们可以选择金融市场。
One chopped himself in half, and then there were six. 七个小黑人在砍柴;一个把自己砍成两半还剩六个。
One chosen or appointed to judge or decide a disputed issue; an arbitrator. 仲裁人,公断人选择或指定判决或裁决争议事务的人;仲裁者
One classic example is diabetes. 一个典型的例子是糖尿病。
One clear lesson is that God is prepared to work with us no matter what our circumstances are. 首先是神预备在我们身上做工,无论我们处在怎样的境况下。
One clear sign of something amiss is Spain's current-account deficit, which widened to 8.8% of GDP last year, estimates the OECD. 某些错误的一个清晰信号是西班牙的国际经常项目收支赤字,据经合组织估计,去年它已经扩大到GDP的8.8%。
One click, a boom and the car burst into flames. 咔嚓一下,就引起了轰然大火,车燃烧起来了。
One cloud is enough to eclipse all the sun. 一叶可障目。
One clue to the presence of such a neoplasm is an elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein. 发生肝细胞癌的表现之一为血清甲胎蛋白升高。

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