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We think quality is the soul of corporation.

We think of them as dear littleglow - worm, but as larvae, they're frightening monsters - particularly if viewed close to like this. 我们把这些萤火虫幼虫当成是些可爱的小家伙,但他们确是可怕的怪物——特别是当我们在近处观察它。
We think ot useless learning a theory without practice. 我们认为理论不能脱离实际。
We think our class is our home.We think we will be the best in every subject in the future.So we must spend more time to do more excise or we must work hard. 我们的座右铭是:在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦沿着陡峭山路攀登的人,才有希望达到光辉的顶点。
We think poorly of the cup's value. 我们低估了杯子的价值。
We think quality is the Psyche of a corpotation. 我们认为质量是一个企业的灵魂。
We think quality is the soul of corporation. 我们认为质量是一个企业的灵魂。
We think that quality is a enterprise's soul. 我们认为质量是一个企业的灵魂。
We think that the court consisting of arbitrators from both sides must be fair and able to handle the dispute without bias or partiality. 我们认为法庭由双方仲裁员组成一定能公平且无偏见或偏袒地解决纠纷。
We think that the moral, fair and preventive characteristics of medical liability insurance should be taken into account as a new approach in handling medical disputes. 医疗责任保险具有的适法性、公正性、预防性不失为当前医疗纠纷处理的新路径。
We think that transition ought to start from expansionary fiscal policy to Neutral fiscal policy, after brief review to some macro-economic policy which had important influence on the curves. 在简要回顾对曲线走势有重要影响的宏观经济政策之后,提出当前应当逐渐由扩张性财政政策向中性的财政政策转变。
We think the ability develops in the product for your company,the molding tool creation aspect provide a service and will contribute to the accrual of your company. 我们认为,能为贵公司在产品开发、模具制作方面提供服务将有助于贵公司的获利。

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